博碩士論文 110757011 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYen-Chu Chenen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract客語是客家文化的載體,為保障及維護客語之語言權,客語復振係政府首要核心政策之一,而基層官僚於第一線推動各項客語復振政策,民眾能直接感受政策執行成果及政府整體施政成效。本研究以全國客家人口數最多的桃園市之客家代表性官僚為例,探討地方行政機關基層官僚推動客語復振政策,基層官僚之客家消極代表性與積極代表性之意涵,基層官僚運用提供服務及申請審查之行政行為,影響民眾對客籍與非客籍基層官僚之信任及正當性有何觀感與態度。   本研究運用文獻分析法、次級資料分析法、立意抽樣法及半結構式之深度訪談法,分析發現地方行政機關之基層官僚,以依法行政與公務倫理為基本原則,本於職權推動客語復振政策,並肯認客家語言文化之重要性,主動擁護客家族群之權益,積極推動客語復振政策,呈現出消極代表性與積極代表性。基層官僚在申請審查之行政行為謹守依法行政原則,僅得於行政流程外予以輔導與協助;提供服務之行政行為則以客籍基層官僚的態度與作為表現較非客籍基層官僚來得積極。此外,民眾信任基層官僚公務專業能力,更加信任客籍基層官僚,因其具有客家語言文化知識與能力且認同客家,得以客語溝通拉近與客家族群間之情感,對此認定客籍基層官僚較具正當性,而對基層官僚提供服務之品質係因個人工作態度而異,核定申請審查即具效率及公平。是故,本研究分別對客家事務專責機構、一般行政機關及基層官僚提出建議,以供桃園市政府推動客語復振政策之參據。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractHakka language serves as a carrier of Hakka culture. Ensuring and maintaining the language rights of Hakka speakers is a key policy priority for the government. Street-level bureaucrats play a crucial role in implementing various Hakka language revitalization policies, as they directly influence the public′s perception of policy implementation outcomes and the overall effectiveness of government administration. This study focuses on Hakka representative bureaucrats in Taoyuan City, which has the highest Hakka population in Taiwan, to investigate the promotion of Hakka language revitalization policies by street-level bureaucrats in local administrative agencies. The study also explores the implications of negative and positive representation of street-level bureaucrats, their administrative behavior in providing services and reviewing applications, and their impact on the public′s trust and perceptions of the legitimacy of Hakka and non-Hakka street-level bureaucrats.   Employing document analysis, secondary data analysis, purposive sampling, and semi-structured in-depth interviews, this study reveals that street-level bureaucrats in local administrative agencies adhere to the principles of rule-based administration and public service ethics. They are committed to promoting Hakka language revitalization policies, recognizing the importance of Hakka language and culture, and actively advocating for the rights of Hakka communities. They exhibit both negative and positive representative characteristics. In their administrative behavior regarding application reviews, they strictly adhere to the principles of rule-based administration, providing guidance and assistance only out of administrative process. Hakka street-level bureaucrats demonstrate a more proactive attitude and actions in service provision compared to non-Hakka street-level bureaucrats. Furthermore, the public trusts the professional competence of street-level bureaucrats and has a higher level of trust in Hakka street-level bureaucrats due to their knowledge and skills in Hakka language and culture, as well as their identity with the Hakka community. This close linguistic connection and emotional bond with the Hakka community contribute to the perceived legitimacy of Hakka street-level bureaucrats. The quality of services provided by street-level bureaucrats varies based on individual work attitudes, while the efficiency and fairness of application reviews are generally upheld. Based on these findings, this study provides recommendations for agencies, general administrative agencies, and street-level bureaucrats dedicated to Hakka affairs to serve as a reference for promoting Hakka language revitalization policies by the Taoyuan City Government.en_US
DC.subjectLocal Administrative Agencyen_US
DC.subjectHakka Revitalization Policyen_US
DC.subjectStreet-level Bureaucratsen_US
DC.subjectRepresentative Bureaucracyen_US
DC.titleA Study on the Promoting of the Hakka Language Revitalization Policy by Street-level Bureaucrats in Local Administrative Agencies: Taking Hakka Representative Bureaucracy in the Taoyuan City Government as an Exampleen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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