博碩士論文 110757023 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYen-Chiu Wangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract花蓮縣新城鄉為閩、客、原、外省等多元族群組成;其為行政院劃設之平地原住民地區,又兼具有「濱海客家」元素,在此特殊多元族群環境且無客家政策誘因機制下的客家孤島,形成族群間的互動與政治穩定了多元族群共治、族群政治平衡。本文以文獻分析法等,運用選舉制度相關理論,以花蓮縣新城鄉為研究場域,就該鄉地方公職人員選舉進行分析,研究結果發現: (一)原住民若無制度保障,不易取得行政首長職務。 (二)行政首長鄉長具外省族群及客家籍族群當選,能在少數族群中脫穎而出取得執政,顯示不會有長期同一族群輪流交替情況;另代表選舉中,選前為四大族群參選,選後除了平地原住民代表二席外,皆由占大多數的閩南族群當選,代表會主席及副主席自為閩 南族群推選出線,又歷屆當選鄉長及代表會主席、副主席都具有國民黨籍,雖為不同族群間但具有相同的國民黨籍,政黨資源運作或地方派系經營或人脈經營為當選原因,為其重要因素。 (三)新城鄉族群政治行政權及立法權分由不同族群分治。 (四)依《三分天下:臺灣客家族群政治的轉型》指出,花蓮縣從「派系依恃政黨」轉變為「政黨依附派系」。但就花蓮縣新城鄉選民投票行為以觀,似乎尚未完全轉變至「政黨依附派系」,國民黨仍有相當影響力。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractXincheng Township in Hualien County is Hoklo (Minnan), Hakka, Indigenous, and "mainlanders" and other diverse ethnic groups. It is an area designated by the Executive Yuan as a plain indigenous region, Despite the presence of "coastal Hakka" elements, the township stands as an ethnic Hakka island amidst the heterogeneous ethnic environment with no Hakka policy incentives, fostering interactions among ethnic groups and political stability through multi-ethnic governance and balance. This paper applies document analysis and theories related to electoral systems, taking Xincheng Township as the research field, to study local public official elections. The findings are as follows: (1)Indigenous people find it challenging to secure Administrative chief positions without institutional safeguards. (2)The township heads elected are from the "mainlander" and Hakka groups. Their ability to stand out among minority groups and have the chance to govern indic-ates that there is no rotation of the same ethnic gro-up over the long term. In representative elections, all four major ethnic groups for election. After the election, apart from two seats for plain indigenous representatives, the majority Hoklo (Minnan) ethnic group fills the rest. The president and vice president of the representative assembly are elected from the Hoklo (Minnan) group. The historically elected towns-hip heads, assembly presidents, and vice presidents have all been from the Kuomintang (KMT). Although the-se are different ethnic groups, they share KMT affili-ation. Election results can be attributed to the oper-ation of party resources, local faction management, or personal connections, which are critical factors. (3)In Xincheng Township, different ethnic groups separ-ately administer political executive and legislative powers. (4)According to "Dividing the World into Three: The Transf-ormation of Taiwan′s Hakka Ethnic Group Politics," Hualien County has shifted from "factions relying on parties" to "parties relying on factions." However, as far as iii the voting behavior of Xincheng Township in Hualien County is concerned, it seems that the trans-formation to "parties depending on factions" is not yet complete, and the KMT still wields considerable influ-ence.en_US
DC.subjectElectoral Systemsen_US
DC.subjectEthnic Politicsen_US
DC.subjectXincheng Townshipen_US
DC.title臺灣選舉制度與族群政治: 以花蓮縣新城鄉為例zh_TW
DC.titleElectoral System and Ethnic Politics in Taiwan Taking Xincheng Township of Hualien County as an Exampleen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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