博碩士論文 111222006 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYan-Ping Laien_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract在 2022 年,我們建立了鹿林天文台的 RoLIFE (Robotic Lulin Lunar Impact Flash tElescope) 觀測系統。本研究介紹了我們的觀測系統。由於月球的大氣 層非常稀薄,即使是小型流星體撞擊月球表面也會產生短暫的閃光。 研究目的是捕捉並記錄月閃事件,計算其發光能,估算流星體的撞擊動能, 並進一步解析其物理機制。我們計算了閃光的視星等,假設閃光遵循黑體輻射定 律,通過 R 波段和 I 波段的觀測與分析獲得閃光溫度,估算其動能和質量、大小 以及發光效率範圍,這代表了流星體動能在撞擊過程中轉化為可見光的比例。 在 2023 年 2 月至 2024 年 4 月期間,我們進行了系統且長期的觀測,總計 42 個夜晚的有效觀測,共分析了 4332 分鐘的影像數據,並觀測到了 7 個月閃事 件。月閃溫度的計算使用了 NELIOTA 的數據,而發光效率則基於鹿林天文台在 2018 年雙子座流星雨期間觀測得到的數據。我們通過影像分析確定了撞擊閃光 的位置與時間,並計算了月閃事件的發光能,推算出流星體的物理參數。研究結 果顯示,月閃事件的溫度範圍主要集中在 2000K 到 3500K 之間。發光效率的計算 結果與以往的研究結果相吻合,驗證了我們觀測系統的可靠性。 RoLIFE 是台灣大學月球調查計畫 (TULIP) 的一部分,其科學目的是為太空 任務提供地面觀測,例如歐洲太空總署(ESA)的 LUMIO 立方衛星任務在內的空間 任務。我們的目標是向月球科學家和結構工程師提供流星體撞擊月球表面的物理 參數。這些參數對於月球軌道飛行器、月球著陸器和月球基地的建造至關重要。 工程師需要了解流星體撞擊月球表面的位置、頻率和動量,以及溫度變化和這些 撞擊形成的隕石坑的大小。這些資訊將有助於評估工程設施的安全性和耐用性。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn 2022, we established the RoLIFE (Robotic Lulin Lunar Impact Flash tElescope) observation system at Lulin Observatory. This study introduces our observation system. Due to the Moon′s extremely thin atmosphere, even small meteoroid impacts on its surface can produce brief flashes. The objective of this research is to capture and record lunar impact flashes (LIFs), calculate their luminosity, estimate the meteoroid′s impact kinetic energy, and further analyze its physical mechanisms. We calculated the apparent magnitudes of the flashes, and, assuming the flashes follow blackbody radiation law, derived the temperatures through observations and analysis in the R and I bands. We also estimated the kinetic energy, mass, size, and luminous efficiency range, which represents the proportion of the meteoroid′s kinetic energy converted into visible light during the impact. From February 2023 to April 2024, we conducted systematic and long-term observations, accumulating 42 nights of effective observation. We analyzed 4332 minutes of video data and observed 7 lunar impact flash events. The calculation of lunar impact flash temperatures used data from NELIOTA, while the luminous efficiency was based on data obtained from Lulin Observatory during the 2018 Geminid meteor shower. Through image analysis, we determined the position and time of the impact flashes, calculated the luminosity of the lunar impact events, and estimated the physical parameters of the meteoroids. The results show that the temperature range of the lunar impact flashes is mainly between 2000K and 3500K. The calculated luminous efficiency is consistent with previous research results, verifying the reliability of our observation system. The RoLIFE project is part of the Taiwan Universities Lunar Investigation Program (TULIP), with the scientific purpose of providing ground-based observations for space missions like ESA′s LUMIO CubeSat mission to study lunar impact flashes. We aim to provide the physical parameters of meteoroid impacts on the lunar surface to lunar scientists and structural engineers. These parameters are crucial for the construction of lunar orbiters, lunar landers, and lunar bases. Engineers need to understand the locations, frequencies, and momentum of meteoroid impacts on the Moon′s surface, as well as the temperature changes and sizes of craters formed by these impacts. This information will aid in evaluating the safety and durability of engineering facilities.en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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