博碩士論文 111226041 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYu-Ci Huangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本論文進行多區域3D電極結構之大孔徑液晶透鏡的研究,主要包括設計與模擬、液晶透鏡元件製作以及液晶透鏡元件實驗量測與分析三個部分。首先,設定模擬目標的屈光度、孔徑大小及液晶層厚度,並通過梯度折射率透鏡(Gradient-Index Lens, 簡稱GRIN lens)概念計算該透鏡之理論相位分佈,根據菲涅耳透鏡(Fresnel Lens)切分原理,以波長的整數倍切分不同半徑位置上的相位,設計出具有18個區域的3D曲面電極之液晶透鏡。而後使用TechWiz LCD 3D (SANAYI)液晶光學模擬軟體對設計之液晶透鏡進行相位分佈的模擬,並匹配18個電極區域各自所對應之函數,透過匹配結果製作出具有3D結構之模具,並利用NBA107聚合物材料將結構轉印至玻璃基板上,接著將ITO電極均勻濺鍍於結構上形成3D電極,再次使用NBA107將電極凹面處填平,經摩擦配向後與另一具有ITO電極之平面玻璃基板組合,並注入向列型液晶E7完成液晶透鏡元件之製作。最後藉由各項實驗及量測評估此液晶透鏡之實際效果,包含偏光顯微鏡下液晶分子的排列、液晶透鏡之焦距量測、實際變焦效果觀察、反應時間量測、同心圓環觀測、出射光偏振態變化之討論等。藉由分析實驗結果,驗證本研究之液晶透鏡元件可通過施加不同電壓調整其屈光能力,其在施加5 Vpp之電壓時具有最佳屈光度為2.63 D,隨著電壓增加,其屈光度也會隨之下降,結果符合液晶透鏡的調焦理論。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis study investigates large-aperture liquid crystal (LC) lenses using multi-zone and three-dimensional electrode structures. The study is primarily divided into three main parts, including design and simulation, fabrication of LC lens, and experimental measurement and analysis. First, the simulation targets for refractive power, aperture size, and liquid crystal layer thickness were designed through theoretical calculation. The theoretical phase distribution of the lens was calculated using the concept of a gradient-index (GRIN) lens. By applying the principle of Fresnel lens segmentation, the phase at different radial positions was divided into integer multiples of the wavelength, resulting in the design of an LC lens with 18-zone and three-dimensional electrodes. The LC optical simulation software TechWiz LCD 3D (SANAYI) was then employed to simulate the phase distribution of the designed LC lens, and the corresponding functions for each of the 18-zone and 3D electrode zones were matched. Based on the matched results, a mold with a 3D structure was fabricated, and the structures were transferred onto a glass substrate using NBA107 polymer material. An ITO electrode film was uniformly sputtered onto the structure to form the 3D electrodes. NBA107 was then used again to fill the concave areas of the electrodes to flatten the surface. After rubbing alignment, the substrate with the prepared structures was assembled with another glass substrate coated with an ITO electrode film, and nematic LC E7 was then injected into the cell to complete the LC lens. Finally, the performance of the LC lens was evaluated through various experiments and measurements. These included observing the alignment of LC molecules under a polarizing optical microscope, measuring actual focal length, examining the actual focusing effect of the LC lens, measuring response times, observing concentric rings, and discussing on the change of polarization state of emitted light. By analyzing the experimental results, this study validates that we can adjust the LC lens’s optical power by applying different voltages. At an applied voltage of 5 Vpp, it achieves an optical power of 2.63 D. Additionally. the optical power decreases with the increase of the applied voltage, conforming to the focusing theory of LC lenses.en_US
DC.subjectCurved electrodesen_US
DC.subjectLarge apertureen_US
DC.subjectLiquid crystal lensen_US
DC.title多區域 3D 電極結構之大孔徑液晶透鏡設計與分析zh_TW
DC.titleDesign and analysis of large-aperture liquid crystal lenses by multi-zone and three-dimensional electrode structuresen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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