博碩士論文 111226068 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChun-Han Wuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract在科技日異月新的發展下,sp2-氮化硼薄膜由於無表面懸鍵及寬能隙的特性,因此被看好能扮演良好的介電層材料,希望能與矽結合並合成厚度可控均勻且高品質的sp2-氮化硼薄膜,用以提供二硫化鉬(MoS2)平坦的表面沉積,為本研究的核心主軸。 為了得到均勻的氮化硼薄膜,並改善轉印產生的皺褶、破裂或金屬離子汙染等問題,我們直接在矽(111)和二氧化矽基板上沉積sp2-氮化硼薄膜,並藉由拉曼光譜確認有sp2-氮化硼的E2g峰、TEM確認氮化硼薄膜是水平排列,層與層間距為0.34 nm和0.33 nm及XPS能譜圖確認硼氮元素比為1.12:1和0.99:1,證實我們成功合成sp2-氮化硼薄膜,此外我們也透過調變載氣流量和沉積時間優化薄膜表面粗糙度供後續MoS2沉積。 最後在sp2-氮化硼薄膜上沉積二硫化鉬(MoS2),於MoS2 / sp2-BN / Si(111)結構,用拉曼光譜確認有MoS2的E2g及A1g峰,但基板表面有孔洞無PL光譜訊號,表示MoS2不是好的二維材料。於MoS2 / sp2-BN / SiO2結構,用拉曼光譜確認有MoS2的E2g及A1g峰,PL光譜半高寬為0.12 eV及TEM圖證明MoS2二維材料可以沉積在sp2-氮化硼的薄膜上,說明在二氧化矽基板上的sp2-氮化硼薄膜適合用來沉積MoS2的基板。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractWith the advancement of technology, sp2-boron nitride (BN) film has been highly regarded as promising dielectric layer material due to the properties of no dangling bonds and wide bandgap. How to fabricate sp2-BN film on Si substrate with controllable thickness, uniformity, high quality, and flat surface is the core focus of this study. To achieve uniform boron nitride film and prevent wrinkles, fractures, and metal ion contamination during the film transfer, the sp2-BN films were deposited onto Si (111) and SiO2 substrates directly. Raman spectroscopy confirmed the presence of the E2g peak of sp2-BN, TEM images showed horizontal alignment and the interlayer spacing is 0.34 nm and 0.33 nm, and XPS spectra confirmed a B:N ratio is 1.12:1 and 0.99:1, proving the successful synthesis of sp2-BN films. Additionally, we optimized the film surface roughness for MoS2 deposition by adjusting the carrier gas flow and deposition time. Finally, MoS2 was deposited on the sp2-BN films. For MoS2 / sp2-BN / Si(111) layer structure, Raman spectroscopy confirmed the E2g and A1g peaks of MoS2. Many holes appeared on the surface of the substrate and there was no PL signal for the MoS2 film. It shows the MoS2 is not a good 2-D material. For MoS2 / sp2-BN / SiO2 layer structure, Raman spectroscopy confirmed the E2g and A1g peaks of MoS2. The PL spectrum had a FWHM of 0.12 eV, and TEM images confirmed the 2D material. MoS2 has been deposited on the sp2-BN film. It shows that sp2-BN film on SiO2 substrate is one of the suitable substrates for MoS2 deposition.en_US
DC.subjectsp2-boron nitride filmen_US
DC.subjectMolybdenum Disulfideen_US
DC.titleResearch on the Growth of sp2 Bonded Boron Nitride Films on Silicon Substrates for Molybdenum Disulfide Depositionen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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