博碩士論文 111325003 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorTian_Yang Fengen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstractThe cost of quality is defined as the total cost of quality-related activities and serves as an important indicator of quality management performance. Despite the prevalence of studies emphasizing the significance of the cost of quality in construction projects, there is a paucity of literature exploring the application of quality cost modeling in construction projects. Moreover, the historical data of quality costs are often characterized by time series data. However, previous studies are constrained by the research methodology, which is unable to present the underlying meanings behind the cost data with time series characteristics. Consequently, the objective of this study is to develop a quality cost estimation method based on time series analysis and to construct a quality cost estimation model by collating domestic and foreign time series literature, selecting appropriate time series models, and conducting a case study on the quality cost data of flexible paving projects utilised in the previous study. The findings of this study indicate that the model developed in this study remains effective in predicting the quality cost of this case. However, the results are not sufficiently stable, and further verification is required through the use of other time series quality cost data in subsequent studies to enhance the accuracy of the model′s prediction. Moreover, The visualization results of the trend and seasonality output in the process of the model analysis facilitate the users′ comprehension of the changes in the direction of the quality cost and the seasonal changes of the year. These results can be compared with those of the previous study to confirm the quality cost estimation model. A comparison of the results with those of the previous study demonstrates that the visualization results are accurate and that the overall trend and output efficiency are superior to those of the previous study.en_US
DC.subjectQuality Costen_US
DC.subjectTime Series analysisen_US
DC.subjectautoregressive integrated moving average modelen_US
DC.title利用時間序列分析技術輔助品質成本推估模式建立之研究 - 以柔性鋪面工程為例zh_TW
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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