博碩士論文 111325009 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorZhi-You CHENen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract面對全球財政困難,各國採用公私協力(Public-Private-Partnership, PPP)模式,提升政府與民間資金投資管理效益。PPP 可以簡易區分為「特許權」(Concession)和「民間融資提案制度」(Private Finance Initiative, PFI),我國過去主要使用特許權系統,強調計畫的財務自償性。對於「低自償、高公益性」的公共建設,政府得透過提高附屬設施比例或補貼貸款利息促成投資。2022年底,政府於促參法新增第 9-1條有償取得公共服務機制(有償 PPP),並頒布「政府有償取得公共服務政策評估作業辦法」,說明政策評估架構、項目與流程。然而,有償 PPP 機制涉及政府出資,需依「促參法」第 9-1 條進行定性和定量評估,並分為 A 類和 B 類公共建設。觀察至今通過之政策評估公共建設類別,僅財政部具有執行 A 類公共建設政策評估經驗,對於其他欲採用有償 PPP 評估機關而言,以目前有償 PPP 評估方法說明,對於執行與撰擬政策評估架構、流程與項目以及 B 類量化計算仍有改善空間,因此有精進該作業辦法之必要性。本研究之目的係針對有償 PPP 政策評估機制其評估架構與流程、定性和定量評估架構與項目,透過彙整 A 類公共建設評估個案、國外相似制度與國內評估方法,提出具體改善之參考架構、項目與流程。最後,以市區道路維護案例驗證及專家訪談,確認本研究所提出的精進架構與項目能更有系統性確認其必要性、迫切性和效益性,做為日後政府有償取得公共服務執行與撰擬政策評估之參考。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn response to global financial difficulties, nations have turned to the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) mode as a solution, enhancing the management efficiency of government and private capital investments. PPPs can be generally categorized into “Concession” and “Private Finance Initiative (PFI).” In the past, our country has mainly utilized the concession system, emphasizing self-liquidation, for PPP projects. For public infrastructure projects with low self-liquidation but high public interest, the government encourages investments by increasing ancillary facilities or subsidizing loan interest. At the end of 2022, the government amended the Act for Promotion of Private Participation in Infrastructure Projects, added Article 9-1, which introduced a paid PPP mechanism for acquiring public services (paid PPP), and issued the “Government Paid PPP Policy Assessment Operational Guidelines,” detailing the assessment framework, items, and procedures. However, the paid PPP mechanism requires both qualitative and quantitative evaluations, classifying public infrastructure projects into Type A and Type B. Currently, only the Ministry of Finance has experience with Type A policy assessments. There is a need for comprehensive frameworks, procedures, and items for evaluating Type B public infrastructure projects, particularly for quantitative assessments. This study targets on improving the policy assessment works for the paid PPP mechanism. By reviewing evaluation cases of Type A public infrastructure projects, and domestic and international methods, this study proposed an enhanced assessment framework, qualitative and quantitative assessment structures and items, and procedures. Verification through an urban road maintenance case and expert interviews shows the proposed approach is more systematic than current assessments, helping identify the necessity, urgency, and effectiveness, serving as a reference for the future execution and drafting of policy assessments for the government′s paid acquisition of public services.en_US
DC.subject有償 PPPzh_TW
DC.subjectCompensable PPP Projecten_US
DC.subjectPolicy Assessmenten_US
DC.subjectUrban Road Maintenanceen_US
DC.titleA Study on Improving Policy Assessment Framework and Items for Paid PPP Projecten_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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