博碩士論文 111352012 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorKUI-AN LINen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract我國老舊鋼筋混凝土造建築物可能因直接或間接的因素造成建築物的結構損壞,在不拆除重新建造之基礎,進行建築物的結構補強,以增加其使用年限,其中鋼板包覆結構補強工法及碳纖維貼片結構補強工法為工程上使用多年之技術,兩者皆屬可使結構系統發揮韌性的韌性補強,但兩種補強技術也有數項不同之特性,本研究針對此兩傳統工法進行研究比較。 本研究採用ETABS結構分析程式建立模型分析搭配SERCB進行耐震能力評估來比較鋼板包覆結構補強工法及碳纖維貼片結構補強工法之補強成效,由分析可得知鋼板包覆結構補強工法及碳纖維貼片結構補強工法分析模型之基底剪力、位移量及耐震能力之優劣,並藉由兩種結構補強工法之實際案例進行探討。 因此本研究在比較鋼板包覆結構補強工法及碳纖維貼片結構補強工法之材料特性、施工性質及分析結果後,針對不同的工程情況配合結構計算分析採用合適的結構補強工法,並給予結論與建議,以提供社會日後選擇較有效及較經濟之補強方案。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThere are many old reinforced concrete buildings can get damaged for various reasons in our country. Instead of tearing them down and rebuilding, we can strengthen them to make them last longer. Here are two common ways to strengthen buildings by using the steel plates reinforcement construction method and the carbon fiber reinforcement construction method. Both methods have been used for years and help make buildings stronger and more flexible. However, these two strengthening methods have some different characteristics. This study will compare these two traditional techniques. This study uses a computer program called ETABS and another tool called SERCB to see how well the steel plates reinforcement construction method and the carbon fiber reinforcement construction method work to strengthen buildings against earthquakes. The analysis shows the advantages and disadvantages of using the steel plates reinforcement construction method and the carbon fiber reinforcement construction method to reinforce buildings by looking at base shear, displacement, and earthquake resistance. We also examine real-life examples of both methods. This study compares two ways to strengthen structures: using steel plates and using carbon fiber patches. After looking at their materials, how easy they can be used, and their results that we will choose the best method for different situations. Then, we will give suggestions to help people choose the most effective and affordable way to reinforce structures in the future.en_US
DC.subjectBuilding structural reinforcementen_US
DC.subjectsteel plate cladding reinforcement methoden_US
DC.subjectcarbon fiber patch reinforcement methoden_US
DC.title建築物結構補強工法比較 -以鋼板包覆結構補強工法及碳纖維貼片結構補強工法為例zh_TW
DC.titleComparison of building structural reinforcement construction methods - Take the steel plate covering reinforcement construction method and the carbon fiber pacth reinforcement construction method as examplesen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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