博碩士論文 111353032 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究旨在探討真空擴散接合技術在鋁合金製作水冷板中的應用及其 性能表現。鋁合金因其輕量、高強度和良好的導熱性,被廣泛應用於各種 工業領域,包含航空航天、汽車和電子產品中。然而,由於鋁合金具有易 氧化,且其表面存在穩定的氧化層,這些特性給擴散接合技術帶來了挑 戰。 實驗中使用 Al 6061 鋁合金,通過真空擴散接合技術製作水冷板,並 對其進行機械性能測試和多項效率測試。主要目的是通過實驗和分析,討 論各別接合參數(包括溫度、壓力和時間)對於水冷板機械性質的影響, 其中有水冷板壓縮量的變化、水冷板流道與支撐肋的潛變,機械強度的差 異;次之為分析真空擴散接合水冷板的應用性,並測試熱回收效益和作為 電池熱管理的妥適性。 實驗結果顯示,各別的接合參數對於真空擴散接合的壓縮率皆有不同 程度的影響,且溫度、壓力與時間對壓縮率有具有正相關關係,而水冷板 流道的壓縮為接合時發生潛變所致。拉伸剪切試驗中可發現接合面積與剪 切力存在一種正比關係且接合面積越小剪切力越小,此研究的剪切力只有 文獻的 39%,後續可針對流道板的設計進行研究。在性能測試方面,接合 後的水冷板在性能測試和熱回收效率上均表現出色。水冷板的水密性測試顯示,其能夠承受高壓而不洩漏,證明了其在嚴苛環境下的可靠性。此外,熱回收效率測試結果表明,真空擴散接合製作的水冷板具有優異的熱傳導性能,且能有效將熱量從電池表面帶走,提供電池有效的熱管理性機制。 綜合而言,本研究提出真空擴散接合技術在鋁合金製作高性能水冷板 中的可行性和優越性。這不僅為鋁合金在高性能散熱解決方案中的應用提 供了新的可能性,也為擴散接合技術的進一步研究和應用奠定了基礎。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis study aims to investigate the application and performance of vacuum diffusion bonding technology in the production of cold plates made from aluminum alloys. Aluminum alloys are widely used in various industrial fields, including aerospace, automotive, and electronics, due to their lightweight, high strength, and excellent thermal conductivity. However, the characteristics of aluminum alloys, such as their tendency to oxidize easily and the presence of a stable oxide layer on their surface, present challenges for diffusion bonding technology. In the experiment, Al 6061 aluminum alloy was used to fabricate cold plates through vacuum diffusion bonding technology, and their mechanical properties and multiple efficiency tests were conducted. The main purpose was to discuss the impact of various bonding parameters (including temperature, pressure, and time) on the mechanical properties of the cold plates, such as changes in the compression of the plates, the creep of the channels and support ribs, and differences in mechanical strength. Additionally, the applicability of vacuum diffusion bonded cold plates was analyzed, along with testing the thermal recovery efficiency and suitability for battery thermal management. The experimental results showed that different bonding parameters had varying degrees of influence on the compression rate of vacuum diffusion bonding. There was a positive correlation between the bonding temperature and holding time on the compression rate, and the compression of the cold plate channels was due to creep during bonding. In tensile shear tests, a proportional relationship between the bonded area and shear force was observed, with smaller bonded areas resulting in lower shear forces. The shear force in this study was only 39% of that reported in the literature. In performance tests, the bonded cold plates exhibited excellent results in performance testing and thermal recovery efficiency. The water tightness test of the plates demonstrated their ability to withstand high pressure without leaking, proving their reliability in harsh environments. Additionally, thermal recovery efficiency test results indicated that cold plates made through vacuum diffusion bonding have excellent thermal conductivity and can effectively remove heat from the battery surface, providing an effective thermal management mechanism for batteries. Overall, this study demonstrates the feasibility and superiority of vacuum diffusion bonding technology in producing high-performance cold plates from aluminum alloys. This not only provides new possibilities for the application of aluminum alloys in high-performance cooling solutions but also lays the foundation for further research and application of diffusion bonding technology.en_US
DC.subjectDiffusion bondingen_US
DC.subjectAluminum alloyen_US
DC.subjectCold plateen_US
DC.subjectCreep and compressionen_US
DC.subjectThermal recoveryen_US
DC.titleStudy on the Mechanical Properties and Performance of Aluminum Alloy Microchannels Fabricated by Vacuum Diffusion Bondingen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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