博碩士論文 111355011 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChi-Ting Huangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract建築資訊模型BIM(Building Information Modeling)技術已於營建產業全面發展,並落實於設計、施工、營運管理等階段,貫穿工程生命週期的應用。設計階段模型已由外觀意象示意,逐漸轉化納入施工性檢討之模型,以創造BIM的更大效益。本研究透過取得設計階段模型案例沿用至施工階段做發想,建立檢核機制及流程判定可沿用性。首先針對設計發包模式施工端BIM作業模式進行案例探討,由施工端BIM建模與規劃作業的角度,歸納營造作業所需的模型需求,如應建置的元件清單、施工圖說檢核的模式。再透過統包發包模式BIM作業模式進行案例探討,統整同一套模型由設計階段到施工階段建置流程及產出重點。之後本研究分析研究案例之設計階段模型,分析圖資內容、契約文件及產出資料,最後再綜整案例分析結果,歸納檢核機制及流程。經由本研究之分析發現,設計階段模型的圖資內容是首要判斷重點,檔案格式直接影響如何應用於施工階段,契約圖說是否以模型直接產出可判定內容正確性與完整性;其次,針對模型細節進行判定,包含元件詳細度與干涉分析檢核,確認其元件的沿用性與模型是否納入施工性考量。本研究最後將提出的作法利用案例進行檢核成果之確認,確保可有效降低施工端建模時間,提升施工階段初期整合規劃效率。本研究認為,如果能在設計過程中,即將具備BIM整合經驗的專業營造廠加入,便能實踐整合式專案交付IPD(Integrated Project Delivery),如期如質的完成施工前期的整合檢討。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractBuilding Information Modeling (BIM) technology has been comprehensively adopted in the construction industry and implemented in the design, construction, and operation and maintenance management stages, covering the entire lifecycle of a project. The design BIM models have evolved from mere visual representations to incorporating constructability analysis, achieving better BIM implementation benefits. This study investigates the feasibility of using design BIM models in the construction stage by establishing verification mechanisms and processes. Initially, the study examines cases of BIM implementation in the design-bid-build approach from the construction perspective to summarize the model requirements necessary for construction operations, such as the list of components that need to be built and the mode of checking construction drawings. This study then explores BIM implementation in the design-build approach, identifying the process and key outputs of using a single model from the design stage to the construction stage. By analyzing design BIM models in case studies, the study reviews the content of the drawings, contract documents, and output data. The results of these analyses are then summarized to establish verification mechanisms and processes. This study concludes that the content of design BIM models is the primary factor for evaluation. The file format of design BIM models directly affects how the model can be applied in the construction stage, and whether the contract drawings produced from the model can be used to determine the accuracy and completeness of design BIM models. Furthermore, this study suggests evaluating model details, including the level of detail in the components and interference checks, to confirm the reusability of the BIM components and whether the model includes constructability considerations. Finally, this study verifies the proposed approach by cases to confirm its practicability in the construction stage. This can effectively reduce the time required for construction stage modeling and enhance early-stage integration and planning efficiency. This study concludes that integrating professional contractors with BIM experience during the design process can facilitate Integrated Project Delivery (IPD), ensuring the timeline and quality of pre-construction integration and reviews.en_US
DC.subjectBuilding Information Modelingen_US
DC.subjectDesign BIM modelen_US
DC.subjectConstruction BIM modelen_US
DC.subjectIntegrated Project Deliveryen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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