博碩士論文 111355012 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorLung-Kuan Wangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract近年來因台商回流建廠、台積電大規模擴廠以及重大公共建設持續投資,導致施工機具需求大增,營造業卻面臨無機具可租或機具設備品質不良等問題,然而目前國內並無專門供應營造業的大型綜合機具租賃公司,也無可以整合並曝光小型租賃商的管道,因此本研究以營造業施工機具租賃平台進行初步研究,並以高空作業車為主要探討機具,並以日本租賃業龍頭 AKTIO 公司之商業模式進行探討,以深入訪談其成功之道與獨特之處,研究其模式可否適用於臺灣市場;同時訪談臺灣目前正在租賃並使用高空作業車廠商,探究其選擇租賃之原因及目前的出租狀況、遇到的困難點,並探討是否可以透過創新制度及建立新的商業模式來做出改變以促進租賃產業的發展。 研究發現 AKTIO 於日本發展成功主因為其完善的租賃系統,包含營業據點分布廣泛以及完善的維修體制;而目前於臺灣僅有兩處營業據點,且無自有的運輸車隊,須由廠商自行負擔運輸成本,因此對於距離兩營業處較遠之地區多半不願使用。而經研究探討後,主要解決方式有(1)擴大投資,增加據點(2)每個營業據點需培養足夠的維修人才,才可能擴大經營規模並提供更多高品質租賃設備,惟現今面臨從業人員不足,加上大量引進外資可能影響臺灣目前的租賃市場生態,使本土廠商面臨更嚴重的削價競爭。因此,本研究透過訪談整理,發想出成立工程設備詢價平台,提供更多出租從業商曝光及公平競爭之機會。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn recent years, due to the return of Taiwanese businesses establishing factories, the large-scale expansion of TSMC, and continuous investment in major public constructions, the demand for construction machinery has significantly increased. However, the construction industry is facing issues such as a lack of machinery available for rent or poor-quality equipment. Currently, there are no large-scale comprehensive equipment rental companies specifically serving the construction industry in Taiwan, nor are there platforms to integrate and expose smaller rental businesses. Therefore, this study conducts preliminary research on a construction machinery rental platform, focusing mainly on aerial work platforms. The study explores the business model of Japan′s leading rental company, AKTIO, through in-depth interviews to understand its success and unique aspects and examines whether this model could be applied to the Taiwanese market. Additionally, the study interviews Taiwanese companies currently renting and using aerial work platforms to investigate their reasons for renting, current rental conditions, challenges faced, and whether innovations and new business models could drive changes to promote the development of the rental industry. The research found that AKTIO′s success in Japan is primarily due to its comprehensive rental system, including a wide distribution of service points and a robust maintenance system. Currently, in Taiwan, there are only two service points, and no proprietary transportation fleet, requiring manufacturers to bear the transportation costs themselves. As a result, regions farther from these service points are often unwilling to use the service. The main solutions identified through this research include: (1) expanding investment to increase the number of service points, and (2) training sufficient maintenance personnel at each service point to potentially expand the scale of operations and provide more high-quality rental equipment. However, the current challenges include a shortage of industry personnel and the potential impact of large-scale foreign investment on Taiwan′s rental market, which could lead to more severe price competition for local companies. Therefore, this study proposes the idea of establishing an engineering equipment inquiry platform to provide more exposure and fair competition opportunities for rental industry practitioners.en_US
DC.subjectConstruction Industryen_US
DC.subjectAerial Work Platformsen_US
DC.titlePreliminary research of the rental platform for Construction Machinery in the Construction Industry: A Case Study of Platform Aerial Work Vehiclesen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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