博碩士論文 111423037 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChi-Chen, Wuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract在智慧型服務日益普及的時代,理解使用者轉換意圖的影響因素對於企業及學術界至關重要。本研究基於科技接受模型(TAM, Technology Acceptance Model)和慎思行動理論(TRA, Theory of Reasoned Action),以網路銀行為主要實驗對象,探討感知彈性、相容性及感知信任等變數如何影響智慧型服務使用者的轉換意圖。 研究分為兩個階段進行。第一階段通過問卷調查收集資料,共獲得271份有效樣本,並使用SPSS 23和SmartPLS進行分析。結果顯示,相容性、感知彈性、感知易用性、感知實用性、感知信任以及主觀規範均對轉換意圖有顯著影響,這些因素能有效提高使用者對智慧型服務的接受度和使用意願。然而,感知彈性對感知易用性並無顯著影響,且感知易用性也未顯著影響感知實用性。第二階段通過訪談13位具有網路銀行使用經驗的用戶,進一步瞭解使用者對智慧型服務的看法及影響轉換意圖的因素,並探索感知彈性不影響感知易用性且感知易用性未顯著影響感知實用性的原因。訪談結果揭示,影響用戶感知彈性的主要因素是問題解決的立即性,而即使能即時解決需求和問題,用戶並不會因此認為該智慧型服務更簡單易用。此外,操作方便的智慧型服務並不會讓用戶覺得它更加實用,因為影響感知實用性之因素主要為方便性、協助理財功能、手續費/匯率之優惠。 本研究的學術貢獻在於結合多種理論框架,提供新的見解和證據,幫助理解智慧型服務的使用者轉換行為。實務上,建議企業在設計和推廣智慧型服務時,應注重提升服務的彈性,包括感知彈性、相容性及建立信任,以促進使用者的轉換意圖,從而提升市場競爭力。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn an era where smart services are becoming increasingly prevalent, understanding the factors influencing user Switching Intentions is crucial for both businesses and academia. This study, based on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA), investigates how perceived flexibility, compatibility, and perceived trust affect the Switching Intentions of smart service users, with a focus on online banking as the primary experiment. The study was conducted in two phases. In the first phase, data was collected through a questionnaire survey, resulting in 271 valid samples. The data was later analyzed using SPSS 23 and SmartPLS The results indicated that compatibility, perceived flexibility, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, and perceived trust all have significant impacts on Switching Intentions. These factors effectively increase user acceptance and willingness to use smart services. However, perceived flexibility does not significantly affect perceived ease of use, and perceived ease of use unexpectedly does not affect perceived usefulness. In the second phase, interviews were conducted with 13 users who have experience with online banking to gain a deeper understanding of their perceptions of smart services and the factors influencing their Switching Intentions. This phase also aimed to explore the reasons why perceived flexibility does not affect perceived ease of use, and why perceived ease of use does not significantly impact perceived usefulness. The interview results revealed that the main factor influencing users′ perception of flexibility is the immediacy of problem resolution. Even if their needs and problems are resolved promptly, users do not necessarily find the smart service easier to use. Furthermore, easy-to-use smart services do not make users perceive them as more useful. The factors that primarily influence perceived usefulness are convenience, financial management assistance functions, and favorable fees/exchange rates. The academic contribution of this study lies in integrating multiple theoretical frameworks to provide new insights and evidence, helping to understand user switching behavior in smart services. Practically, the study suggests that companies should focus on enhancing service flexibility, including perceived flexibility, compatibility, and building trust when designing and promoting smart services, to facilitate user Switching Intentions and improve market competitiveness.en_US
DC.subjectSwitching Intentionsen_US
DC.subjectTechnology Acceptance Modelen_US
DC.subjectTheory of Reasoned Actionen_US
DC.subjectperceived flexibilityen_US
DC.subjectperceived trusten_US
DC.titleHow Smart Technology Gains Consumer Favor? An In-depth Exploration Combining the Technology Acceptance Model and the Theory of Reasoned Action: The Case of Online Bankingen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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