博碩士論文 111423063 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorXin-Ying Lien_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract對於退休者而言,在開始經歷退休生活後,他們將逐漸失去與工作相關的角色和社交活動,加之隨年紀增長可能造成的身體機能衰退,這些皆會對他們的心理健康產生負面影響。因此,如何持續維繫和進行社會交互動以滿足獲得來自其他個體或群體的社會支持,對於退休者而言是極其重要的。為維持社交互動以滿足其歸屬感的需求,促使退休者轉移至由社交媒體平台建構之數位第三空間進行社交互動。然而,既有研究多著重探討線上社會支持如何影響個體的態度與行為結果,甚少研究從退休者的觀點切入,探討數位第三空間的社會支持和歸屬感之間的關係。此外,目前討論退休者在數位環境之歸屬感的研究,大多是探究個體於特定社交媒體平台上的歸屬感受,對於討論坐落在這些平台上之社群或群組(即數位第三空間)的退休者歸屬感討論仍是相對缺乏。 為彌補上述缺口,結合社會支持理論和歸屬需求理論,本研究建構一研究模型,探究退休者於數位第三空間獲得之社會支持如何經由其對於數位空間的歸屬感影響後續之公民行為。我們採用便利抽樣法蒐集557筆有效樣本並進行結構方程模式的分析。研究結果顯示退休者在數位第三空間的資訊支持、情感支持、尊重支持、網絡支持、工具支持,皆會正向且顯著地影響其歸屬感。此外,退休者在數位第三空間中感受到的歸屬感會正向且顯著地影響其幫助行為和貢獻行為。最後,本研究於學術上對數位第三空間、歸屬需求理論、社會支持理論等相關文獻帶來不同的見解和貢獻,同時也在實務上為社交媒體社群之管理者在管理該數位空間的營運上帶來參考依據。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAfter retirement, retirees will gradually lose work-related roles and social activities. Coupled with the decline in physical functions due to increasing age, these factors can negatively affect the mental health of the elderly. Therefore, how to continuously maintain and engage in social interactions to receive social support from other individuals or groups is extremely important for the retirees. To maintain social interactions within a community and satisfy their need to belong, the retirees are encouraged to engage in social interactions within the digital third places constructed by social media platforms. However, current literature mainly focuses on how online social support affects individuals′ attitudes and behavioral outcomes, with little research on the elderly′s perspective about the relationship between social support and a sense of belonging in digital third places. Furthermore, current research on the sense of belonging of the elderly in digital environments mainly focuses on individuals′ sense of belonging on specific social media platforms, lacking discussion on the sense of belonging of the retirees in communities or groups situated on these platforms (i.e., digital third places). To fill these gaps, by combining social support theory and need to belong theory, this study constructs a research model that focuses on how social support obtained by the retirees in digital third places affect their subsequent citizenship behavior through their sense of belonging to the digital third place. We employ a convenience sampling method to gather data and ultimately uses 557 valid samples for structural equation model analysis. The results indicate that informational support, emotional support, esteem support, network support, and instrumental support in digital third places all positively and significantly influence the sense of belonging of the retirees. Additionally, the sense of belonging felt by the elderly in digital third places positively and significantly influences their helping behavior and contribution behavior. Ultimately, this study offers unique insights and contributions to the fields of digital third spaces, need to belong theory, and social support theory from an academic perspective. It also presents practical reference for social media community managers in managing the operation of these digital spaces.en_US
DC.subjectDigital third placeen_US
DC.subjectSocial support theoryen_US
DC.subjectNeed to belong theoryen_US
DC.subjectCitizenship behavioren_US
DC.titleUnderstanding the retiree’s sense of digital third place and citizenship behaviors through social support theoryen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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