博碩士論文 111451024 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChih-Ming Chenen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract近年來,社會認同理論在學術研究中愈發受到關注,特別是在探討其對消費者品牌忠誠度及對抗行為的影響方面。本文旨在基於社會認同理論,深入分析蘋果與三星這兩大科技巨頭的品牌忠誠度如何引發消費者之間的對立行為。   根據社會認同理論,個體的自我概念部分來自於其所屬群體的認同。在消費品市場,當消費者認為自身特徵與某品牌形象相符時,便可能產生品牌認同感,這是品牌忠誠的心理基礎。Yoshida與Gordon(2018)指出,社交媒體平台加強了消費者與品牌之間的互動,深化了消費者對品牌社群的認同感,從而提升品牌忠誠度。同時,Kuo與Hou(2017)的研究發現,品牌認同不僅提升了消費者對自身品牌的忠誠,還可能激發對競爭品牌的反感甚至敵對行為。這些對立行為不僅限於消費者間的口頭爭論,還表現在社交媒體上的負面評論或抵制行動中。   本研究利用問卷調查法,針對一般消費者與行業專家,收集並分析數據,探討蘋果與三星如何利用社會認同理論鞏固其市場地位,並引發消費者對立行為。結果顯示,消費者的品牌忠誠度主要由產品質量、服務滿意度及品牌形象的認同驅動;而品牌認同感則顯著影響消費者的忠誠度和對立行為。蘋果通過其獨特設計和高端市場定位,成功吸引了一批忠誠消費者,而三星則利用其多樣化產品策略,強調可達性,吸引不同需求的消費者。   通過這些分析,本研究旨在為品牌管理提供實證支持,幫助企業更好地理解和利用品牌忠誠度,以促進品牌的健康發展和消費者關係的積極互動。 關鍵字:社會認同理論、品牌忠誠度、消費者對立行為、問卷調查、品牌認同。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn recent years, social identity theory has garnered increasing attention in academic research, particularly in exploring its impact on consumer brand loyalty and oppositional behavior. This paper aims to deeply analyze how the brand loyalty of the two technology giants, Apple and Samsung, induces oppositional behavior among consumers, based on social identity theory.   According to social identity theory, an individual’s self-concept partially derives from their identification with a group. In the consumer goods market, when consumers perceive that their characteristics align with a brand’s image, they may develop a sense of brand identification, which is the psychological foundation of brand loyalty. Yoshida and Gordon (2018) noted that social media platforms enhance interactions between consumers and brands, deepening consumers′ sense of community identification with the brand, thereby increasing brand loyalty. Similarly, Kuo and Hou (2017) found that brand identification not only enhances consumer loyalty to their own brand but also potentially provokes aversion or even hostility towards competing brands. These oppositional behaviors are not limited to verbal disputes among consumers but also manifest as negative comments or boycott actions on social media.   This study employs a questionnaire survey method, targeting both general consumers and industry experts, to collect and analyze data. It investigates how Apple and Samsung use social identity theory to consolidate their market positions and stimulate consumer oppositional behavior. The results indicate that consumer brand loyalty is primarily driven by product quality, service satisfaction, and identification with the brand image, while brand identification significantly affects consumer loyalty and oppositional behavior. Apple, through its unique design and high-end market positioning, has successfully attracted a loyal consumer base, whereas Samsung, by emphasizing accessibility through its diverse product range, attracts consumers with varying needs.   Through these analyses, this study aims to provide empirical support for brand management, assisting companies in better understanding and leveraging brand loyalty to promote healthy brand development and positive consumer relationships.en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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