博碩士論文 111453028 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYou-An Jhuoen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract過去幾年來,全球供應鏈因疫情的影響面臨了前所未有的挑戰。各國因應疫情實施封鎖政策,導致全球生產活動停滯,暴露出供應鏈對國際合作的高度依賴性。由於生產環節緊密相連,任何一環的中斷都可能導致整體生產流程停擺。在這種情況下,供應鏈訊息透明度低的問題更加突出。訊息共享不足和通信機制缺失使得企業難以準確預測需求,經常導致庫存水平大幅波動,並產生「長鞭效應」,即供應鏈上游的微小需求變化被放大,造成庫存和生產計劃的巨大波動,進而增加企業運營成本並降低整體效率。 全球供應鏈的中斷暴露了現有供應鏈管理系統的脆弱性和不足。企業難以獲取即時和準確的供應鏈訊息,導致決策過程中出現大量不確定性。隨著生產和物流活動被迫中斷,企業無法迅速調整供應計劃,結果是供需失衡愈加嚴重。 為了應對這些挑戰,企業開始探索數位轉型和智能供應鏈解決方案。區塊鏈技術的應用成為焦點,因其能夠提供更高的透明度和可追溯性。區塊鏈技術促進訊息的即時共享,通過建立去中心化的資料平台,企業可以實現供應鏈的全程可視化,提高合同作業效率,並減少中斷風險。 然而導入過程中,遲遲無法整合已區塊鏈整合整個供應鏈生態,透過此個案來探討在系統整合上所面臨著各項困難,有助於了解區塊鏈供應鏈在系統整合上所面臨的挑戰。為企業提供了寶貴的見解和建議。 關鍵字:供應鏈、區塊鏈、系統整合、數位轉型zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn recent years, global supply chains have faced unprecedented challenges due to the pandemic. The lockdown policies implemented by various countries led to a halt in global production activities, exposing the high dependence of supply chains on international cooperation. Given the interconnected nature of production processes, a disruption in any link can lead to a complete halt in overall production. In such circumstances, the issue of low transparency in supply chain information becomes even more prominent. Insufficient information sharing and lack of communication mechanisms make it difficult for companies to accurately predict demand, often resulting in significant inventory level fluctuations and the "bullwhip effect." This effect occurs when minor demand changes at the supply chain′s downstream amplify as they move upstream, causing significant swings in inventory and production plans, thereby increasing operational costs and reducing overall efficiency. The disruption of global supply chains has exposed the vulnerabilities and inadequacies of existing supply chain management systems. Companies struggle to obtain real-time and accurate supply chain information, leading to uncertainty in the decision-making process. As production and logistics activities were forced to halt, companies were unable to quickly adjust their supply plans, resulting in an exacerbation of supply and demand imbalances. To address these challenges, companies are exploring digital transformation and intelligent supply chain solutions. The application of blockchain technology has become a focal point because it can provide greater transparency and traceability. Blockchain technology facilitates real-time information sharing, enabling companies to achieve end-to-end visibility of their supply chains through decentralized data platforms. This improves operational efficiency and reduces the risk of disruptions. However, integrating blockchain into the entire supply chain ecosystem remains a significant challenge. This case study explores the various difficulties in system integration, providing valuable insights and recommendations for companies implementing blockchain in their supply chains. Understanding these challenges helps companies enhance transparency, traceability, and efficiency. Keywords: Supply Chain, Blockchain, System integration, Digital transformationen_US
DC.subjectSupply chainen_US
DC.subjectSystem integrationen_US
DC.subjectDigital transformationen_US
DC.title區塊鏈平台與供應管理系統整合個案研究 —以W公司為例zh_TW
DC.titleIntegration of Blockchain Platform and Supply Chain Management System: A Case Study of Company Wen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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