博碩士論文 111457022 完整後設資料紀錄

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DC.creatorShu-Chuan Linen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract近幾年來,由於全球市場激烈競爭及內外在環境的迅速變化,金屬製品產業面臨到嚴峻的挑戰。為了維持生產線的穩定運作,企業更需仰賴間接人員的群策群力,以快速因應市場的動態變化。因此,善用薪酬管理制度來激勵間接人員凝聚共識,進而提升企業競爭力,是當今人力資源管理的重要課題。本研究旨在探究間接人員對績效獎金制度的知覺如何影響他們的工作態度,並驗證員工對於薪資滿意度與工作投入、組織承諾間的關聯。 本研究以國內的一家中小型金屬製品製造公司作為個案研究對象。研究方法結合質化與量化兩部分,一是與該公司高階主管同時也是績效獎金制度設計者進行訪談,以瞭解績效獎金制度實施的背景、運作過程以及成效。另一方面,透過問卷調查法,從A事業處廣泛收集到78份有效問卷,有效回收率約84.78 %,以分析員工對績效獎金制度的認知、薪資滿意度,以及這些因素如何影響工作投入與組織承諾等員工態度。 研究結果顯示,員工對績效獎金制度普遍持正面看法,並顯著提高了他們的薪資滿意度,更進一步正向影響了員工的工作投入和組織承諾。本研究不僅為學術界提供了金屬產業間接人員對績效獎金制度的實證研究,同時也為實務界提供了如何透過薪酬管理影響員工態度,進而增強企業競爭力的見解。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn recent years, the metal products industry has faced serious challenges due to intense global market competition and rapid changes in both internal and external environments. In order to maintain the stable operation of production lines, companies increasingly rely on the collective efforts of indirect labor to respond quickly to market dynamics. Therefore, effective compensation management to motivate indirect labor and build consensus to enhance corporate competitiveness is a crucial issue in today′s human resources management. This study aims to explore how indirect labor′s perceptions of the performance bonus system affect their work attitudes, and to verify the association between employees′ salary satisfaction, job involvement, and organizational commitment. This research takes a small to medium-sized metal products manufacturing company in Taiwan as a case study. The research methodology combines qualitative and quantitative approaches. The qualitative part includes an interview with the company′s senior executive, who is also the designer of the performance bonus system, to understand the system′s background, operational processes, and effectiveness. On the quantitative side, through the questionnaire survey, 78 valid responses were collected from A Division, with an effective response rate of approximately 84.78%, to analyze employees′ perceptions of the performance bonus system, their salary satisfaction, and how these factors influence their job involvement, and organizational commitment. The findings indicate that employees generally have a positive view of the performance bonus system, which has significantly increased their salary satisfaction and positively impacted their job involvement and organizational commitment. This study not only provides the academic field with empirical research on indirect labor′s perspective on the performance bonus system within the metal industry but also offers practical insights on how compensation management can influence employee attitudes and thereby enhance corporate competitiveness.en_US
DC.subjectPerformance Bonusen_US
DC.subjectSalary Satisfactionen_US
DC.subjectJob Involvementen_US
DC.subjectOrganizational Commitmenten_US
DC.title績效獎金制度知覺對員工態度之影響- 以金屬製品業 G 公司間接人員為例zh_TW
DC.titleThe Effect of the Perceptions of Performance Bonus System on Employee Attitudes: A Case Study of Indirect Labor in G Company in the Metal Products Industryen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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