博碩士論文 111461014 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorLi-Yao Fangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract21世紀的博物館跟隨著科技與數位化應用的進步,已步向虛實並存的經營模式,具備更加高畫質的(線上)數位典藏供觀眾觀賞與學術研究使用,VR/AR、360°虛擬實境等技術更讓觀眾能夠跨越距離的阻礙,同樣能身歷其境,欣賞遠距千里之外博物館內的收藏及名畫。然而 2020年因新冠肺炎疫情(covid19)的爆發,引發了許多社會效應,不僅影響了世界經濟,全球所有的公共設施也因此受到限制,甚至停止營運,而文化保留傳承與教育目的的博物館亦遭受衝擊,停止了所有售票參觀的活動,使博物館的經營與營運遭受嚴峻的考驗。 所幸賴於博物館數位典藏、線上展覽、線上互動學習等資源的建置,使其在疫情期間進一步成為了博物館營運與經營的助力;博物館紛紛加重於數位化經營,許多博物館更提升了數位的資源,包含開放更多文物的數位典藏、數位互動式體驗;更增設許多線上展覽與數位社群的經營,緩解了觀眾因疫情而無法親臨現場的失落感。而經濟層面雖也同樣受到疫情影響遭受了前所未有的打擊,但藉著數位典藏的衍生應用,包含典藏授權、典藏加值化商品等,得以舒緩經營資金的困境。隨著疫情的趨緩,在期間帶來重大貢獻的數位化經營,其價值也重新倍受重視。 本研究藉由質性研究方法,依知名度、豐富的館藏量、參觀人數、數位典藏件全以及2023年google蒐尋熱度,篩選出四個世界級的博物館:大英博物館、羅浮宮、大都會博物館、故宮博物院;使用次級資料蒐集法與比較分析法探討各博物館與數位典藏營運模式;包含各博物館現況、各博物館數位典藏經營、商業營收與參觀人數等,了解實體與數位化經營後誕生的經營模式。 研究結果發現數位典藏不僅強化了博物館最初的理念:研究、展示、蒐集、教育等四大特性;授權使用、周邊商品販售等,為實體文物帶來新的價值,轉行成博物館的營運收入,同時改善以國家或政府資金為主要資金來源的問題,並在成為外在危機重創博物館經營時的成為強大支撐力,造出新型態博物館與數位典藏的經營模式。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn the 21st century, museums have embraced technological advancements and digital applications, adopting a hybrid model of physical and virtual operations. They now offer high-resolution digital archives for public viewing, and technologies such as VR/AR and 360° virtual reality allow audiences to overcome geographical barriers and experience museum collections and famous artworks from afar. However, the outbreak of COVID-19 in 2020 had significant social effects, impacting the global economy and causing the closure or restriction of all public facilities, including museums dedicated to cultural preservation and education. Consequently, museums faced severe operational challenges as all ticketed visits were halted. Fortunately, the development of digital archives, online exhibitions, and interactive online learning resources has become a crucial support for museum operations during the pandemic. During this period, museums increased their focus on digital operations, enhancing digital resources such as opening more digital archives and offering interactive digital experiences. Many museums also launched numerous online exhibitions and expanded digital community engagement, mitigating the loss for audiences who could not visit in person due to the pandemic. Although the museum economy was unprecedentedly impacted by the pandemic, the derivative applications of digital archives, such as licensed applications and value-added products, helped alleviate economic difficulties. As the pandemic subsides, the value of digital operations will be re-evaluated. This study employs qualitative research methods, using comparative analysis to examine the digital archival operations of four museums: the British Museum in the UK, the Metropolitan Museum of Art in the USA, the Louvre in France, and the National Palace Museum in Taiwan. It explores the current status of these museums, their digital archival operations, commercial revenue, and visitor numbers, understanding the operational models emerging from physical and digital integration. Digital platforms allow audiences to visit museums remotely, while those seeking to experience the physical grandeur of artifacts visit in person. The sharing of digital archival resources expands the audience base, promoting physical museums. Additionally, digital marketing and online derivative product sales have generated significant revenue for museums.en_US
DC.subjectdigital archivesen_US
DC.subjectdigital archival economyen_US
DC.subjectdigital value-added and licensingen_US
DC.subjectmuseum operationsen_US
DC.titleOperational Models of Digital Archives in Museumsen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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