博碩士論文 111522019 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract在2019年的COVID-19大流行之後,由於現實中社交距離的限制,人們被迫將工作及教育等活動轉為線上的形式。在教育方面若僅將課程內容轉為影片或投影片等資源放在網路上,缺乏互動性的學習環境會使學生處在被動且學習興趣低落的狀態,並無法達到在現實學校一樣的學習成效。因此能提供高度擬真程度和沉浸感的元宇宙成為了人們關注的重點,且在以發展許久的腦輔助之合作學習(Computer Support Collaborative Learning, CSCL)領域中也提到社交上的互動也與學習內容互動同樣重要,元宇宙中透過虛擬化身(Avatar)來表現出表情、動作並能使用語音交流等功能與CSCL的發展方向相當契合。且由於元宇宙中能以虛擬物件進行互動的特性,使得進行科學探究重複實驗的成本降低並在天文或歷史等主題的探究式學習成為可能的發展方向。 本研究招募2所學校中67名高中生為研究對象,並依照學校分為實驗組和控制組,分別以元宇宙環境和一般網路學習環境進行合作科學探究活動。學生能自由分組並以小組共同回答探究問題表單,合作科學探究活動分為上午和下午各90分鐘。在兩組活動前、後各發放一份學習興趣量表及科學概念試題來探討學生在活動前後的學習興趣及學習成效。元宇宙環境將蒐集學生在環境中的移動軌跡,並輸入至虛擬空間之學習行為分析工具「Virtual Space Learning Analysis Tool」(VSLAT)中來觀察學生的學習行為。 研究結果發現相較於網頁環境,以元宇宙環境來進行合作科學探究的學生在學習興趣和學習成效上有較高的提升。且在觀察VSLAT的小組軌跡圖和相遇分布甘特圖後發現元宇宙環境中的4種合作特殊時刻。本研究在最後根據實驗結果給出將元宇宙應用在教育領域的未來方向及建議。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAfter the COVID-19 pandemic in 2019, due to the restrictions on social distancing in real life, people were compelled to shift activities such as work and education to online formats. In the realm of education, merely converting course content into videos or slides and placing them online results in a lack of interactive learning environments, which can leave students in a passive state with low learning interest, thereby failing to achieve the same learning outcomes as in physical schools. Consequently, the metaverse, which offers a high degree of realism and immersion, has garnered significant attention. In the field of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL), which has been developed over many years, it is noted that social interaction is as crucial as interaction with learning content. The metaverse, with its ability to represent expressions and actions through virtual avatars and facilitate voice communication, aligns well with the development direction of CSCL. Additionally, the metaverse′s capability to interact with virtual objects reduces the cost of conducting scientific inquiries and broadens the scope of topics. This study designs a collaborative scientific inquiry activity within a metaverse environment. The study involves 67 high school students from two schools, divided into experimental and control groups according to their respective schools, with the experimental group engaging in the inquiry activity within a metaverse environment and the control group using online webpages. Students could freely form groups and collaboratively answer inquiry question sheets, with the inquiry activities divided into two 90-minute sessions in the morning and afternoon. Before and after the activities, a learning interest questionnaire and a science concept test were administered to explore the students′ learning effectiveness. The metaverse environment collected students′ movement trajectories within the environment and input them into the Virtual Space Learning Analysis Tool (VSLAT) to observe students′ learning behaviors. The results of the study found that students engaged in scientific inquiry within the metaverse environment showed higher improvements in learning interest and effectiveness. Furthermore, by observing group trajectory maps and encounter distribution Gantt charts in VSLAT, four distinct collaborative scenarios were identified in the metaverse environment. Based on the experimental results, the study concludes with future directions and recommendations for applying the metaverse in the field of education.en_US
DC.subjectScience Inquiryen_US
DC.subjectComputer Supported Collaborative Learningen_US
DC.titleThe Impact of Metaverse Environments on the Performance and Behavior in Collaborative Scientific Inquiryen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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