博碩士論文 111554009 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorHsiao-Kang Chenen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究運用線上社群平台(Gather, Miro)輔以Tuckman之團隊發展流程,設計一款線上社群平台溝通課程(ToGather)。研究者以大學四年為設計課程活動的藍圖,設定五個學習任務。透過這些學習任務,帶領學習者體驗不同以往的溝通課程。 為了瞭解學習者之學習成效、團隊成員互動歷程、團隊發展歷程、學習滿意度,本研究分為兩部分探討。利用量化問卷分析,針對學習者的學習成效、人格特質、滿意度問卷進行分析。此外,本研究也嘗試以質性分析方法,深入探討不同人格行為之學習者,在課程中的互動模式和團隊發展歷程的狀況。透過量質並重的角度深入探討,綜整線上社群平台進行課程後,對於學習者的學習成果和互動狀態提出建議。 本研究挑選南臺灣某大學42位學生進行實驗測試,探討線上社群平台溝通課程對學生學習成效、團隊發展及互動關係的影響。結果顯示學生學習效果顯著,但三小時的短期任務限制了深入團隊互動,學生易將其視為例行作業而非協作機會。研究建議延長觀察期、設計跨課程專案,以及提高學生學習動機。儘管存在挑戰,線上平台仍展現促進學生互動的潛力,如共同編輯和虛擬白板等功能的創新使用。 然而,設備限制影響了口頭表達和團隊互動的觀察。學生間互動不顯著,可能源於過度依賴助教引導和習慣文字表達。未來課程應注重多元化設計,滿足不同DISC類型學生需求,優化助教引導策略,並加強口頭表達能力培養。線上社群平台為溝通表達課程提供了獨特且有效的學習環境,但仍需在課程設計中進一步優化以充分發揮其潛力。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis study utilizes online community platforms (Gather, Miro) in conjunction with Tuckman′s team development process to design an online community platform communication course (ToGather). The researchers set five learning tasks based on a four-year university curriculum blueprint. Through these learning tasks, learners are led to experience a communication course different from traditional ones. To understand learners′ learning outcomes, team member interaction processes, team development processes, and learning satisfaction, this study is divided into two parts. Quantitative questionnaire analysis is used to analyze learners′ learning outcomes, personality traits, and satisfaction surveys. Additionally, this study also employs qualitative analysis methods to deeply explore the interaction patterns and team development processes of learners with different personality behaviors during the course. Through an in-depth investigation from both quantitative and qualitative perspectives, recommendations are made regarding learners′ learning outcomes and interaction states after conducting courses on the online community platform. This study selected 42 students from a university in southern Taiwan for experimental testing, exploring the impact of online community platform communication courses on students′ learning outcomes, team development, and interactive relationships. Results show significant learning effects for students, but the three-hour short-term tasks limited in-depth team interaction, with students tending to view them as routine assignments rather than collaborative opportunities. The study suggests extending the observation period, designing cross-course projects, and increasing student learning motivation. Despite challenges, the online platform still demonstrates potential in promoting student interaction, such as innovative use of co-editing and virtual whiteboard functions. However, equipment limitations affected the observation of oral expression and team interaction. Student interaction was not significant, possibly due to over-reliance on teaching assistant guidance and habituation to text-based expression. Future courses should focus on diversified design to meet the needs of students with different DISC types, optimize teaching assistant guidance strategies, and strengthen oral expression skills. The online community platform provides a unique and effective learning environment for communication expression courses, but further optimization in course design is needed to fully realize its potential.en_US
DC.subjectCommunication expressionen_US
DC.subjectonline community platformen_US
DC.subjectteam development processen_US
DC.subjectteam interaction processen_US
DC.titleAn Investigation on the Impact of Online Community-Based Communication Courses on Student Interaction and Team Development Processen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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