博碩士論文 111754006 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract職場霸凌使受害者身心受創,也對組織造成負面影響,從近年的新聞事件中可發現,不只在私人企業,政府機關中也有職場霸凌情形,但我國現行勞動法令及公務人員相關法令中對於職場霸凌並無明確定義與規範,因此,本文運用文獻分析法及比較法,從職場霸凌的原因、定義、行為態樣及影響層面等出發,先對職場霸凌有基礎認識,再深入了解「健康工作場所草案」及美國波多黎各與日本現行職場霸凌防治及處理機制,就三者之定義、防治機制、雇主應採取之措施……等進行比較分析,並以近年我國政府機關職場霸凌案例為主軸,分析我國公部門中的實務案例,以增加對公部門中職場霸凌現況的了解。 研究發現職場霸凌並非單純的個人因素造成,依我國現行法令規範,若在職場中受到霸凌,只能依循企業內部管道申訴,在公部門中,雖然由各機關自行訂定之內部規範可防治及處理相關問題,但如就申訴處理結果不服,僅能以申訴、再申訴尋求救濟,由於職場霸凌常見行為態樣大多難以主張個人權利受損,進而提起訴訟,因此,本文參考美、日等國經驗,建議提出相關建議,希望能藉由完備職場霸凌法規範,保障公部門中所有員工權益,進而建立友善職場環境。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractWorkplace bullying causes physical and mental trauma to victims, and also has a negative impact on the organization. From news events in recent years, it can be found that workplace bullying occurs not only in private enterprise, but also in government agencies. However, our country′s current labor laws and public servant regulations do not provide clear definitions and regulations regarding workplace bullying. This article uses document analysis and comparative methods to understand the causes, definitions, behavioral patterns, and impacts of workplace bullying, then understand the " Healthy Workplace Bill" and the new guideline on workplace harassment/bullying in Puerto Rico′s and Japan, and compare the definitions, prevention mechanisms, and measures that employers should take among these cases. Analyze cases of workplace bullying in our country′s government agencies in in recent years to increase understanding of the current situation of workplace bullying in the public sector. Workplace bullying is not solely caused by individual factors. According to our current laws, victims of workplace bullying can only lodge complaints through internal company channels. Although the internal rules set by each public agency can prevent and deal with workplace bullying, if the bully and the bullied are not satisfied with the results of the treatment, they can only seek relief through appeals and re-appeals. Due to the common nature of workplace bullying behaviors, it is often difficult to claim personal rights violations and initiate lawsuits. Therefore, drawing on experiences from the United States and Japan, this paper proposes relevant suggestions, hoping that by establishing comprehensive workplace bullying regulations, the rights of all employees in the public sector can be protected, thus creating a friendly workplace environment.en_US
DC.subjectWorkplace bullyingen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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