博碩士論文 111757004 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorCheng-Feng Kuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract臺灣是個多元族群文化融合的社會,大致將族群分類為4 大族群:客家族群、外 省族群、閩南族群、原住民族群。行政院客家委員會於2001 年6 月14 日掛牌成立, 其主要目的是復興台灣漸漸流失的客家傳統文化,並延續傳統客家文化的命脈。根據 2021 年的調查,全國符合《客家基本法》中對於客家人定義的約有466.9 萬人。根據 這一定義,客家人是指具有客家血緣或客家淵源,且自我認同為客家人者。其中桃園 市約有90 萬餘人,佔桃園人口比率約39.9%。其中桃園市楊梅區客家人比例約 73.65%(楊梅區當時人口約17.5 萬)。 因研究者家族為世居於楊梅地區之客家族群,欲藉分析楊梅區2016、2020 及2024 的總統與不分區立法委員政黨選舉的得票數以解析在地楊梅客庄選民的政黨傾向與投 票動機。 以楊梅全區及各次分區為範圍,透過文獻分析法、次級資料分析法、深度訪談 法;並以選舉制度與選區、選舉制度與政黨體系、投票行為與分裂投票理論為變項分 析,藉以探討楊梅客庄的選民政黨之偏好。 本研究發現:(1)楊梅全區政黨偏好較傾向國民黨(2) 傳統客家庄的選民在選舉較 重視人情味,而現今各政黨在大選的選舉策略較集中於全國性的政策、議題及媒體的 宣傳,這些選舉策略若與客庄所在地無關,對傳統客家庄的選民較難改變其對某政黨 的支持(3)楊梅客家庄選民在面對個人較為熟悉的地方派系候選人時,其投票取向以認 同候選人本身大於政黨認同、政策認同;同時也因現行中華民國地方選舉的複數選區 制的選舉制度易發生分裂投票情形導致政黨偏好與候選人偏好的衝突。(4)楊梅區內之 ii 埔心地區選民投票取向政黨認同度較高並泛藍;高山頂地區選民投票取向則以候選人 認同度為主。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractTaiwan is a culturally diverse society with four major ethnic groups: the Hakka, the Waisheng (People from other Province), the Minnan, and the Aborigines. The Hakka Commission of the Executive Yuan was established on June 14, 2001, with the aim of reviving the lost Hakka traditional culture in Taiwan and continuing the lifeblood of the traditional Hakka culture. The Hakka Population and Linguistic Basis Study conducted in 2021 shows that there are approximately 4,669,000 Hakka people in Taiwan who meet the definition of Hakka in the Hakka Basic Law: "People with Hakka blood or Hakka origins who identify themselves as Hakka", of which Taoyuan City has more than 900,000, accounting for 39.9% of the population of Taoyuan. Among them, the proportion of Hakka people in Yangmei District of Taoyuan City was 73.65% (the population of Yangmei District was about 175,000 at that time). Since the researcher’s Family was a Hakka family living in Yangmei area for generations, the researcher wanted to analyze the number of votes received in the 2016, 2020, and 2024 presidential and legislator-at-large elections in Yangmei to analyze the political party preferences and voting motives of local Yangmei Hakka district voters. Using the whole district of Yangmei and each sub-district as the scope, the study plans to analyze the voters′ party preference in Yangmei Hakka District through literature analysis,secondary data analysis, in-depth interviews. It also analyzes electoral system and constituency, electoral system and party system, voting behavior and split-vote theory as variables to explore the preference of electoral parties in Yangmei Hakka District. This study finds the following : (1) Yangmei′s political party preference is more inclined to the Kuomintang (2) Traditional Hakka voters attach more importance to the human touch in elections, and nowadays the election strategies of political parties in general elections are more focused on national policies, issues, and media publicity, and it is more difficult for traditional Hakka voters to change their support for a certain political party if these election strategies have nothing to do with the location of Hakka villages. (3) Hakka voters in Yangmei are more likely to identify with the candidates themselves than with the candidates′ political parties and policies when they are facing candidates from local factions that they are more familiar with. At the same time, the existing plural constituency system of local elections in the Republic of China is prone to split voting, which leads to the conflict between political party preferences and candidates′ preferences. (4) In Yangmei District, voters in Puxin District have a higher degree of party identification and are more likely to be Kuomingtang, while voters in Gaoshanding District have a higher degree of candidate identificaten_US
DC.titleA Study on the Party Preferences of Hakka Electorate: The Case of Yangmei District Presidential and Legislator-At-Large Electionsen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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