DC 欄位 值 語言 DC.contributor 土木系營建管理碩士班 zh_TW DC.creator 季翔渝 zh_TW DC.creator Hsiang-Yu Chi en_US dc.date.accessioned 2024-6-28T07:39:07Z dc.date.available 2024-6-28T07:39:07Z dc.date.issued 2024 dc.identifier.uri http://ir.lib.ncu.edu.tw:444/thesis/view_etd.asp?URN=112325010 dc.contributor.department 土木系營建管理碩士班 zh_TW DC.description 國立中央大學 zh_TW DC.description National Central University en_US dc.description.abstract 在現行實務狀況下,工程案件須經過竣工、驗收、交付三個主要流程,定作人方能依此取得工作物使用之權利,然為因應定作人使用之需求,如:政策需求、協調其他廠商工程施作。定作人在一定情況下,仍然能保有未完成驗收卻先行使用或部分驗收使用之權利。參照政府採購法、政府採購法施行細則、工程契約範本中,皆有在驗收的項目之中提及如需先行使用,應先經過部分驗收或完全驗收,業主才能夠取得定作物的部分或全部使用權利,但相關條文中並未有細節性的規定,且有時會發生雙方並未事前約定之狀況,現階段對此種情況之處理,除了訴訟外,沒有其他更為便捷的處理流程,但由 於先行使用而衍生出關於危險責任、權利義務、保險關係等問題,有時又具有緊急性,訴訟途徑不但曠日廢時,也會耗費大量司法資源,故本研究欲透過司法案例判決、現行實務觀點及專家訪談之方式,期能尋找出關於先行使用的固定處理流程或責任歸屬,作為日後訂立相關法規之依據。 zh_TW dc.description.abstract In civil construction projects, project cases must go through three main processes: completion, acceptance and delivery before the ordering party can obtain the right to use the work. However, due to policy requirements and other demand considerations, the ordering party can still retain the right to use the work before the acceptance is completed. The right touse or partially accept the use. In the regulations, it is mentioned that if the ordering party needs to use it first, they need to pass the acceptance, then they can obtain the right to use the ordered crop. Sometimes, there are no detailed provisions in the law, and situations without prior agreement often occur, leading to litigation. However, due to the derived issues about responsibilities, rights and obligations, etc., they are sometimes urgent and time may not be sufficient. Therefore the study aims to clarify the disputes, processingprocedures and responsibilities regarding prior use. en_US DC.subject 瑕疵爭議 zh_TW DC.subject 危險責任歸屬 zh_TW DC.subject 先行使用 zh_TW DC.subject Defect dispute en_US DC.subject Liability of dangerous Activity en_US DC.subject 、Using facilities before acceptance en_US DC.title 營建工程工作物先行使用權責歸屬之研究 zh_TW dc.language.iso zh-TW zh-TW DC.type 博碩士論文 zh_TW DC.type thesis en_US DC.publisher National Central University en_US