博碩士論文 81342007 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorJIi-Jiao Jhangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract公路交通工具隨著經濟發展逐漸地大型化,而路面維護經費並未能逐年 增加,且國內大多數路政管理機構目前並未建立健全的路面管理系統,本研 究針對目前國內實際情況,以不增加目前各路政機構路面養護作業原則下, 提出建立路面網級管理的架構。 路面養護之依據在於路面破損狀況的調查評估,目前對於路面快速而有 效的調查評估方法是使用路面自動檢測車,惟其價格高昂,且須專業人員操 作,非一般基層路政管理機構所能添購,本論文有鑑於此,採用目視調查評 估方法,並藉模糊數學方法將目視主觀之評估轉換為客觀評估,建立十八種 路面破損類別之破損率隸屬函數,以此而求得路面狀況品質指標PCQI,並 經與PCI 比較結果,PCQI 可說明路段破損情況良好,故可做為路面維修之 依據。 在路面維修工法方面,由於國內經驗豐富之路面養護管理人員欠缺或已 屆退休,為使路面養護業務得以延續,本論文將路面維修工法選定以專家系 統中知識庫表達分是處理,並經由路面資深專家驗證認可,路面管理人員於 實地檢測時可依決策樹執行維修策略。 以往對於路面維修路段的決定,大多由經驗豐富的工程人員憑藉著自身 經驗予以選定,缺乏客觀比較環境,本論文將交通量、PCQI、雨量、⋯等因 素考慮在內,應用模糊積分求出PI 值後,再以0-1 整數規劃方法視單年度養 護經費分配情形,選出該年度應維修路段,其方法客觀而不易有所爭議。 然而雖有上述有關路面維修決策方法,但於執行上若缺乏資料庫管理系 統,即使有再好的方法也會遜色,因此對於上述內容均將其納入網際地理資 訊系統中予以營運管理,一方面有利於路政機構的管理作業,一方面又可讓 民眾得知路政機構對路面管理的內容,並從網際網路中獲悉路況或施工路 段,以免因經過施工路段造成擁擠而浪費行車時程,可提升國人行方面的福 祉。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe transportation vehicles gradually grew in site with growing economic developments, but the pavement management budget didn’t increase year by year. Furthermore, a complete pavement management system has not been constructed in most of the internal road authorities. In the principle of not increasing the maintenance activities of road agencies, this study focus on the present conditions in Taiwan and propose a structure for constructing a network-level pavement management. Pavement maintenance is according to the survey and evaluation of pavement distress condition. The present method of a fast and effective survey can be performed by on automatic road survey vehicle. However, this kind of equipment is not only high in cost but also needs to be operated by professional engineers. Consequently, the lower levels of road authorities won’’t be able to afford it. In light of this standpoint, this study adopted the visual survey method. Combined with fuzzy mathematics, which is used to transform subjective visual judgment into objective evaluation, eighteen distress types of the membership functions are constructed. Based on these analyses, Pavement Condition Quality Index (PCQI) can be formulated which, after comparing with PCI(Pavement Condition Index), can be used to clarify that pavements are in good conditions, and can therefore be utilized as pavement maintenance criteria. As for pavement maintenance, because experienced pavement maintenance engineers in Taiwan are absent or retired, in order to continue maintenance operations, this study will pick out a pavement maintenance method, and using the MIS express method in the expert system, with credence from experienced experts, pavement management personnel can execute maintenance strategies according to the decision tree in actual inspections. In the past, the maintenance sections are normally determined by experienced engineers. Hence, the subjectivity can effect the decisions. In this study, factors such as traffic volume, PCQI, rainfall, etc. are considered. After finding the PI(Priority Index) value using fuzzy integrals method, analyzed by 0-1 integrated mathematical programming, and depending in the annual maintenance budget allocation, we can choose the maintenance sections for the year, which is more objective and less disputed. Although there are maintenance decision methods mentioned above, but without DBS(Data Base System) during execution, even a good method would become loss attractive. After merging the preceding analyses into the web geographic information system, road authorities can promote management tasks and the populace can acquire the road management informations and the road condition or construction sections. Traveling time can be saved by detouring these sections and the driving quality can also be improved.en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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