博碩士論文 88332005 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorJing Renen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract土木工程原意即為民生工程,其涵蓋範圍甚廣,舉凡與民眾生活息息相關之建設工程,皆可納入其範疇之中,大者如:鐵路、公路、隧道、水壩、港灣等,小項如水溝、人行道、下水道,水電管線、擋土牆等,因此,其品質之良窳深切影響及民眾生活之水平。 行政院為加強公共工程品質之管理,於八十二年十月七日頒行「公共工程施工品質管理制度」,主要係針對伍仟萬元以上之公共工程,利用評鑑、抽查等手段加以管考,經多年執行成果,各項大型公共工程之品質均有顯著的改善,成效卓著。惟對於五佰萬以下之小型工程,因囿於人力編制不足,則較少著墨,因此,行政院公共工程委員會在八十九年十月,特別將原屬基層建設之小型工程(如:排水溝、人行道、路面加舖、管線埋設等)定義為民生工程,並研擬管制要點,以期達到全面提升工程品質之目的。 本研究乃針對三級品管制度之架構,探討現行施工品質抽驗制度之缺失及問題,各工程主辦機關建立品質保證制度現況,提出改善方案與建議事項,冀能藉由明確之施工品質管理制度與查証機制,對提升民生工程之施工品質有所助益。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractCivil engineering means the engineering for livelihood of people with an extensively contained scope. Typically, those construction projects that closely relate to public lives are covered within its category. For large ones, such as railway, highway, tunnel, dam, harbor area, etc., for small ones, such as ditch, sidewalk, sewer, plumbing and electric pipelines, and retaining wall, etc. Therefore, good or bad quality of these construction projects may deeply affect the living standard of people. For the purpose of underlining the quality management of public construction projects, Executive Yuan promulgated 「System of Quality Management for Public Engineering Construction」on October 7, 1993. It is applied to control and review mainly focusing on the public construction projects with an expenditure higher than fifty million New Taiwan Dollars through the methods of assessment and sampling inspection, etc. After many years of implementation, variety of public engineering construction projects in large scale have obtained noticeable improvement and excellent achievement. However, the engineering construction projects with a spending less than five million New Taiwan Dollars were seldom mentioned due to labor shortage. For this reason, Public Construction Commission of Executive Yuan had particularly defined the Civil Engineering to cover primitive engineering projects of basic-level construction in small scale in October 2000 (for instances: water drainage ditch, sidewalk, pavement of road surface, embedding of pipeline, ... etc.). Afterward, critical points of control were proposed in order to achieve the objective of totally promoted engineering quality. This research is to study the drawbacks and problems happened to current sampling-inspection system concerning construction quality and the existing conditions of quality assurance system established by Responsible Authority for respective engineering construction in accordance with the configuration of third-level Quality System. Measures of amelioration and events of recommendation are suggested accordingly. It is expected that quality promotion of construction for civil engineering can benefit from that clearly defined management system of construction quality and system of authentication.en_US
DC.subject 品質管理zh_TW
DC.subject 民生工程zh_TW
DC.title民生工程品質管理制度之研究 zh_TW
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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