博碩士論文 88332009 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYi-Biao Lien_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract無道碴軌道發展至今已廿餘年,各國皆依不同的需求進行設計及研發,國內引 用無道碴軌道是近幾年才開始,由於國內的辦理模式與一般國外大部分國家發展方 式不同,肇因於採購方式或技術能量及工址特性等因素,致使國內無道碴軌道的選 用決策相當複雜,因此必須藉由相關決策理論來建立決策模式。 本研究分為二部分,第一部分為依據文獻分析進行專家決策理論的專家訪談, 所得的五大層面及十六項評估準則,以(AHP)的方法進行權重分析,並依據價值工程 方法進行原型式無道碴軌道的機能提昇及修正,產生四個不同方案,以供專家進行 評選。第二部份,以問卷調查及專家訪談,依第一部分所得的決策變數及權重進行 評選及比較。 本研究經由實證分析結果,再配合問卷調查及訪談得到以下結論: 一、無道碴軌道的評選決策至少應包含鐵路政策、安全性、舒適性、施工性、經濟 性等五個層面,各層面中為因應需求及技術等問題共需考量十六項評估準則, 其考量層面已可含括所有影響因素。 二、本研究所建立的決策模式所得的評選結果依序為方案三(依彈性基鈑軌道產生之 形式)、方案二(依彈性枕木直結軌道產生之形式)、方案四(依彈性枕木直結軌道 產生之形式)、方案一(依版式軌道產生之形式)。 三、本研究所建立的決策模式,經運用於實際之案例分析后證明可行,因此未來應 可作為使用單位進行無道碴軌道評選決策時的套用。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractNon-ballast track has been developed for more than two decades to date. Its design, research and development are proceeding as different requirements of each country. In our country, non-ballastic track has just begun to be applied in recent years. The fact that the domestic developments model is different from the most other countries in terms of procurement models, technical capabilities and site features, makes more complicated in the selection of the domestic non-ballast tracks. Therefore, a decision model has to be built up based on the relative decision theory. There are two parts in t his study. In t he first part, 5 levels and 16 evaluation criteria are constructed after both of the literature reviews and the expert interviews. Then by implementing the AHP weighting analysis of the criteria and the method of value engineering to improve and modify the functions of the non-ballastic track prototype, 4 different proposals are provided for the following experts evaluation. The second part is to evaluate and compare these 4 proposals according to the decision variables and the weighting indices that developed by a series of questionnaires and expert interviews in the first part. The empirical analysis of this study, together with the questionnaires and interviews result in: 1. The decision-making of the evaluation of non-ballast track should include at least 5 aspects: railway policy, safety, comfortable, constructability and economic. Each part should have to take account of the 16 evaluation criteria such as requirements, technical know-how and other problems. 2. According to the evaluation results derived from the established decision model in this study, the relative rankings of proposals are Proposal 3, Proposal 2,Proposal 4 and Proposal 1. 3. The decision model that developed in this study is proved to be feasible by the study of practical cases. As a result, it can be utilized in the evaluation of the non-ballast track works in the future.en_US
DC.subject 多屬性決策zh_TW
DC.subject 層級分析法zh_TW
DC.subject 無道碴軌道zh_TW
DC.subject tracken_US
DC.subject Value Engineeringen_US
DC.title無道碴軌道型式決策模式之研究(應用價值工程及多屬性決策理論) zh_TW
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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