博碩士論文 88430008 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorSu-Hsiang Hsiehen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract中國的製造業,正往開發中國家前所未有的模式和速度在發展,世界工廠的中國之趨勢已無法避免,而中國製造業之崛起亦使亞洲所謂的雁行理論已然瓦解,在低成本大量生產及高科技陸續引入之雙重作用下,已將中國推向全球製造業大國之列。而大陸地區自從西元1978年改革開放之後,已成為外資企業前往投資之熱門地區,其中台商製造業前往大陸投資之比率在所有外資對中國大陸投資中,佔有舉足輕重之地位。其結果固然創造大陸勞工之就業機會,但隨著台商製造業在大陸生產之規模與投 資家數不斷擴大,所衍生之派駐管理及本土化策略問題已不容忽視。 為此,本研究企圖透過探討台資企業派遣人員赴大陸就任之相關問題以及大陸幹部本土化策略進行深入了解,祈提出解決方案建議,以供實務界參考。 本研究對象為大陸昆山市地區台商,總共發送問卷共200份,回收之有效問卷共81份,有效回收率為40.5%,經過實證分析結果得致以下結論: 一、大陸昆山製造業台商台籍幹部派遣的實務作法中可得知: (一) 、在甄選與任用方面, 大陸地區昆山製造業台商皆有初期任用台灣幹部, 一段時間後採用大陸籍幹部的傾向, 任用原因則是希望台籍幹部負起大陸子公司全面之經營管理工作。選任條件是以毅力、耐力、責任感與企圖心及領導與管理能力為主要考量, 成熟與情緒之穩定性和對大陸文化適應能力為次要。(二) 、在培訓方面, 主要是在公司內接受訓練為主, 赴任後在大陸子公司邊做邊學為輔。缺乏適當的訓練單位及赴任時間緊迫為沒訓練之原因及昆山台商所遇到的培訓困難。(三)、薪資與福利方面, 昆山台商台籍幹部赴任後年收入為原來台灣收入之1----2.5倍, 平均約1.40倍, 總薪資月所得介於5000----35000元人民幣, 約為大陸籍幹部的2.3-----5.9倍, 未來台籍幹部人數有縮減的趨勢, 而駐外總收入亦有下降之傾向。建立完善的攜眷配套制度和妥善安排派遣人員歸任為留才的主要方法。 ニ、由大陸昆山製造業台商大陸籍員工本土化實務作法得知: (一)、在甄選與任用方面, 大陸昆山台商皆有任用大陸籍幹部即本土化的傾向, 而各部門之大陸籍幹部約佔三成。幹部來源以公司內部升遷為主, 公司外聘和同行挖角為輔。選任條件是以品德、忠誠度與工作態度為主要考量。(二)、 在培訓方面, 訓練方向主要是加強工作態度及責任感的建立, 其次是專業技術之培養與忠誠度的要求。培育方式以企業內部訓練為主。大陸籍幹部對教育培訓持敷衍態度、無訓練機構及師資則是培訓所遇到的共同困難。(三)、薪資與福利方面, 大陸籍幹部平均月薪資所得介於2200----5900元人民幣, 約為一般員工1200元人民幣的1.8----4.9倍。大陸籍幹部年流動率約16%, 離職主要原因為對待遇福利不滿或同行挖角而跳槽。 提高薪酬及職位晉升、增加企業文化認同為留才的主要方法。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe manufacturing industry in China is developing with the unprecedented speed and mode ever seen in the developing countries. “China as the World Factory” has become an inevitable process, and the Flying Geese Theory in Asia has ceased to be true and explanatory with the emerging of the manufacturing industry in China, and the intensive low-cost production and introduction of new and high technologies have made China one of the leading manufacturing countries in the world. Since the introduction of the reform and opening policy in 1978, the Mainland China has become a hot spot of foreign investments, in which the investment of Taiwan manufacturing industry plays an important role in bringing a lot of employment opportunities to the Mainland China. With the increase in the production scale and the number of investment projects of Taiwan manufacturing enterprises, the dispatched expatriate personnel management and managing personnel localization policy are the issues that cannot be ignored. The study is intended to survey in depth the relevant issues of Taiwan enterprises sending personnel to act as managing staff in their enterprises established in Mainland China, discuss the managing staff localization strategy, and propose some solutions for the reference of the industrial community. The targets of the study are the Taiwan enterprises at Kunshan in Mainland China. Totally 200 questionnaires were sent out and 81 effective copies were collected, with the effective recovery rate of 40.5%. After the analysis, the following results are obtained: 1.TAIWANESE EXPATRIATES OF TAIWAN MANUFACTURING ENTERPRISES AT KUNSHAN IN CHINA 1) Selection and Employment: Taiwan entrepreneurs at Kunshan all use the Taiwan managing staff at the beginning, and later adopt the local managing staff, and hope the Taiwan managing staff can be responsible for the comprehensive operation and management of their subsidiaries in Mainland China. The main conditions for selection include persistence, endurance, responsibility, ambition, leadership and management ability. Experience, self-restraint and adaptability to the culture of the Mainland China are also within consideration. 2) Training: The Taiwan staff receives training mainly in the company, and continues to learn while going on post in the subsidiary in Mainland China. Lack of the suitable training institutions and lack of sufficient training time due to the pressing time for taking the office are the main problems facing the Taiwan enterprises. 3) Salary Package: The annual salary of the Taiwan managing staff working at Kunshan is 1 to 2.5 times of their salaries in Taiwan, average about 1.40 times. The average monthly salary is RMB5,000 - 35,000, about 2.3 -5.9 times that of the local staff. In the future, the number of Taiwan staff shall decrease and the total salary for the expatriate personnel shall decrease accordingly. To establish the perfect system for spouse and children accompanying and arrangement for their post upon return are the main means for retaining the talents. 2.MANAGING STAFF LOCALIZATION 1) Selection and Employment: There is a tendency for all the Taiwan enterprises at Kunshan to use the local managing staff, i.e. localization. The local managing staff accounts for about 30% of the managing staff in all the departments, mainly from internal promotion, followed by outside recruitment and head hunting from the same industry. The main conditions for selection include integrity, loyalty and working attitude. 2) Training: The training mainly focuses on the working attitude and responsibility, supplemented with training on the skill and loyalty. The training is mainly conducted in the company. The lack of initiative of local staff in the training and lack of training institutions or the competent trainers are the problems commonly seen in the training. 3) Salary Package: The average monthly salary of the local staff is RMB2,200 – 5,900, about 1.8 - 4.9 times that of the common employees (RMB1,200). The annual flow rate of the local staff is about 16%, mainly because of their dissatisfaction with the remuneration or brain drain from head hunting in the industry. To increase the remuneration and promotion opportunities and enhance the identification of the corporate culture are the main means for retaining the talents.en_US
DC.subjectLocalization Strategyen_US
DC.subjectExpatriate Personnel Systemen_US
DC.subjectMultinational Enterpriseen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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