博碩士論文 89123002 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYu-Ling LAIen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstractAndré Pieyre de Mandiargues (1909-1991)在法國文學史上被歸類為超現實主義潮流消退之後,續存繼承其流派風格的作家。其著作種類繁多,包含有詩、短篇小說、長篇小說、戲劇,繪畫評論及文學評論。Mandiargues的文章風格受超現實主義影響甚深,除此之外,其作品的特色也包含了他個人所偏好的題材與元素,舉凡異國情調與藝術畫作。這種混合了幻想、艷情與夢境的文章風格甚至成為一種其獨特的個人風格流派 (genre Mandiargues)。在Mandiargues的各類作品中,以短篇文類最為突出,也最具有代表性。作者的想像力在這類文體中似乎得到了最大的發展,再者,短小的篇幅似乎更貼近於作者作品的主題:夢境。 基於上述緣由,以及考量作品間的同質性,我們以Mandiargues 1959年出版,收錄了七篇短篇小說的文集:Feu de braise作為研究主體。在這本著作中,故事經常以現實事件為基礎,卻不斷跨界進入夢境的範圍,並在這兩者間不斷游離。如夢般的氛圍自始至終罩著整本作品,因而夢境與現實兩者的關係成為本研究之主題。 此一研究以概略介紹超現實主義的興起與其思想為首章重點,藉此尋找Mandiargues寫作風格的起源,以及其所承襲此一主義之特點。另外,在比較超現實主義與作者共通處的同時,尋找Mandiargues自我風格的殊異之處。 第二章的研究方向則切入文本中如夢似幻的模糊世界,藉由佛洛伊德對於夢境研究的相關理論,探討作品中夢一般的景像要素、作品中人物所處的精神狀態與其經歷。在故事中,人物經常處於一種游離於現實與夢境的邊緣狀態,並經歷各種有關死亡與色情之極限經驗。 第三章的研究方向則在探討作品與讀者之間多變而不定的關係。 在Mandiargues的這部著作中,讀者與文本的關係、讀者的位置會因獻詞與文本的關係、獻祭的場面以及不同的敘述方式而不斷地改變。面對文本時,讀者的位置是模糊的,他可能是旁觀者,或是等同於敘述者與主角,成為敘事的一部份。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn the history of French literature, André Pieyre de Mandiargues (1909-1991) is considered as an author whose works remain the spirit of surrealism after this movement declined. There is a wide variety in his writings; his works include poetry, short novel, novel, drama critique and literature critique. About Mandiargues’s writing style, in addition to surrealism, which plays a significant role, subject matters that he personally prefers including exotic elements and art works also become the characteristics of his works. Such a style that mixes the fantastic, erotic and dreamlike factors even forms a special genre: genre Mandiargues. Among all kinds of his writings, short fiction is the most outstanding and representative one. The author’’s imagination obtained the best development in this kind of short written work. Furthermore, the short story seems to be much closer to the main theme of the author’s writings: dream. Based on the above reasons and considering the homogeneity between the works, we choose Feu de braise, an anthology published in 1959 which includes seven short stories as the main subject of the research. In this piece of work, stories are frequently based on events in reality but enter the world of dreams, and continuously drift between. The dreamlike atmosphere covers the whole work. Therefore, the relation between dream and reality becomes the primary topic in the research. We introduce the rise of the surrealism and it’s concepts as a main factor in the first chapter and try to figure out the origin of the author’s writing style and the characteristics that inherit from surrealism. Moreover, besides comparing the same points between surrealism and the authors’s writing style, we also want to find the different points that represent Mandiargues’s personal manner. The second chapter focuses on the vague world in the text. We associate Freud’s theories in dream world with this feature to investigate the dreamlike scenery, the mental states of the characters and their experiences in the stories. The characters usually wander between the real word and their dreams, going through different kinds of extreme experiences about death and erotism. In the third chapter, we discuss the changeable and unstable relation between the text and the readers. In this piece of work, this relation and the position of the reader change continuously due to the connection between the text and dedication, the scenes of the sacrifice and the different ways of narration. The reader’s position is indefinite. He or she can be an onlooker or becomes a part of narration: a narrator or a character.en_US
DC.subjectFeu de braiseen_US
DC.titleAndré Pieyre de Mandiargues 短篇小說研究─夢境卅現實之游離與越界zh_TW
DC.titleFeu de braise d’André Pieyre de Mandiargues : Un univers ambigu entre le rêve et la réalitéen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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