博碩士論文 89433027 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChung-Jen Kuoen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract隨著供應鏈管理的興起,傳統的原材料與產品採購的單一對應關係已演化成為一個由產品製造商、材料供應商、經銷商和顧客等所形成的供應鏈(Supply Chain)。由於全球競爭的壓力,台灣產業正逐漸發展成一個整合上下游供應鏈為一體的「生命鏈」,朝向全球採購、全球製造、全球行銷的方向邁進。 供應鏈管理系統應用先進規劃排程的理念考慮產能限制與供應商的限制而得到最佳化的規劃結果,這是傳統ERP所無法做到的;加上SCM系統能夠透過網際網路技術標準與跨企業間進行快速資訊整合而形成有如虛擬企業般的運作。過去,企業導入ERP,由於管理者低估了導入ERP的困難度,使得導入過程中產生很多問題。跨國企業由於組織結構複雜與地理位置分散,若要導入SCM系統勢必比ERP的困難度更高,因此本研究的動機是希望以學術研究的嚴謹態度來探索供應鏈管理發生的問題和因應之道以及如何成功導入SCM系統。 本研究應用Giddens的結構行動理論及採用多重個案多重分析的個案研究方法探討供應鏈管理系統導入的影響因素、導入過程中資訊科技與組織的互動(關鍵成功因素探討)與導入後的結果。研究對象是針對台灣地區導入SCM系統的跨國企業進行研究,選定一家為外國在台投資製造的國際企業,一家為本土發跡但已走向國際化管理的企業。另外,SCM系統則以i2為主。 研究結果發現在導入影響因素方面,兩家企業在供應鏈環境、組織與系統因素方面並無太大差異。吸引企業選用的系統功能方面以全球化的最佳解、APS、資料透明度、需求導向與問題解決導向為主要。在導入的關鍵成功因素方面,高階主管的支持、使用者對企業策略目標的認知、供應鏈流程與SCM系統文件的建立、與ERP系統充分整合、資料的正確性與一致性為主要關鍵成功因素。在績效方面則以客戶滿意度的提昇、供應鏈成本的降低為主要的效益。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractWith the boom of Supply Chain Management, the traditional one-to-one supplier-buyer relationship had been evolved into a supply chain which is strongly linked with manufacturers, suppliers, retailers and customers together. On the wave of global competition, the industries of Taiwan are forming the integrated supply chain combined the upstream and downstream entities as a “Life Chain” then toward into global purchasing, global manufacturing, and global marketing. The SCM system adopted the Advanced Planning and Scheduling concept considering the capacity and supplier constraint to achieve the global optimization result which can’t be completely performed by traditional ERP. Besides, the SCM system also offer the opportunities to cooperate with outside suppliers/customers via information integration using Internet technology to operate as a virtual organization. From the past experiences of ERP implementation, there were lots of problems encountered during the implementation process caused by underestimate of ERP complexity. It’s assumed that the complicate organization and dispersed geographic location owned by multinational enterprises should be more difficult during SCM implementation compared with ERP implementation, therefore, we are to explore the problems in supply chain management and the resolution and how is the system successfully implemented using rigorous case study research strategy. By applying Giddens’ structuration theory model to explore the factors that affect the SCM implementation, the interaction between IT and organization, and also the organizational performance of the implemented SCM using multiple case studies with multiple units of analysis. Two companies are selected for this study, one is a foreign company with heavy investment in Taiwan and the other is the local company, both of them have global business operation and management experiences. In addition, the SCM system is i2 adopted by these two companies. The major findings from this research are: 1. The affecting factors of adopting SCM system from the perspectives of supply chain environment, organization and system itself are almost the same between the two companies. 2. The primary attractive points from the SCM system are global optimization, APS, supply chain data visibility, problem oriented process and demand driven. 3. Key success factors of implementing SCM are top management support, users perception about business strategy, documentation of supply chain process, the integration ability with ERP, and the data accuracy. 4. The benefits from implementation are higher customer satisfaction, and supply chain cost reduction.en_US
DC.subjectStructuration Theoryen_US
DC.subjectSupply Chain Managementen_US
DC.subjectKey Success Factorsen_US
DC.titleA Case Study of Using Structuration Theory in Exploring SCM Implementation by Multinational Enterprisesen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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