DC 欄位 值 語言 DC.contributor 資訊工程學系 zh_TW DC.creator 陳濬哲 zh_TW DC.creator Jun-Zhe Chen en_US dc.date.accessioned 2002-7-17T07:39:07Z dc.date.available 2002-7-17T07:39:07Z dc.date.issued 2002 dc.identifier.uri http://ir.lib.ncu.edu.tw:444/thesis/view_etd.asp?URN=89522031 dc.contributor.department 資訊工程學系 zh_TW DC.description 國立中央大學 zh_TW DC.description National Central University en_US dc.description.abstract 在當今的日常生活中,使用電子裝置儲存個人秘密資料的方式日漸普及。隨之而來的是,資訊安全日益受到重視。當使用者必須經由不可信任之通道傳遞秘密資訊時,人們總是使用密碼系統保障資訊安全。然而,當密碼系統被應用於開放式的環境中時,即使是使用密碼系統保護資訊,任何人皆無法完全地保證系統的安全性。 私密金鑰加密器標準DES自西元1977年被採用至今,已超過二十年。面對各種新式攻擊法,DES在某些應用上已不堪使用。因此,在西元2000年十月,美國國家標準暨技術局(NIST)選定Rijndael為新式私密金鑰加密器標準AES。而在近幾年,物理攻擊法自成一門新的研究領域,並且對現有的各式密碼演算法造成極大的威脅。在本論文中將探討AES是否能有效地防禦物理攻擊法,特別是錯誤攻擊法,以及能量攻擊法。 基於Biham與Shamir所發表之差分錯誤攻擊法的原理,一種應用於Rijndael的差分錯誤攻擊法將在第四章中提出。接著,將探討此攻擊法的效率,並以不同的假設條件觀察攻擊複雜度的消長與可行性。另一方面,為了防禦差分錯誤攻擊法,將對Rijndael進行弱點分析,並且提出了改進ShiftRow運算及新增ShiftColumn運算的方法,使攻擊複雜度提昇至少一千倍以上。 以現階段技術而言,差分能量攻擊法是目前最有效且最可行的物理攻擊法。同樣地,差分能量攻擊法也可應用於攻擊Rijndael。本論文第五章將在不同的前提條件之下,提出兩種攻擊Rijndael的差分能量攻擊法,分別是以KeyAddition以及ShiftRow之運算結果為攻擊對象。接著,將討論兩種攻擊法的優缺點、改進的方法以及時間校正等相關問題。 zh_TW dc.description.abstract Nowadays, digital information grows extremely in our daily life, and the importance of information security increases correspondingly. People always protects information transferred in the untrusted channel from leakage by cryptographic algorithms. However, when these cryptosystems are operated in the open environment, no one can ensure the ecurity of information even information is protected by cryptosystems. The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) selected by NIST of the United States will become the most widespread block cipher standard. In this thesis, its strength against physical cryptanalyses, specially the power analysis and the differential fault analysis will be discussed. In Chapter 4, an application of the differential fault analysis on the AES are considered. In order to defend the AES from this attack, the weakness of the AES are analyzed, and some mprovement of the AES structures are proposed. Finally, in order to defend the AES against the timing attack, possible countermeasure is also discussed. Power analysis attacks are the most useful cryptanalyses at present, and it is also practicable on the AES. In Chapter 5, two types of power analyses attack on the AES are proposed. Similarly, in order to defend against power analyses, some countermeasures are considered, and some problems about the countermeasures are also discussed. en_US DC.subject 錯誤攻擊法 zh_TW DC.subject 新一代加密標準 zh_TW DC.subject 物理密碼分析 zh_TW DC.subject 能量攻擊法 zh_TW DC.subject Fault Attack en_US DC.subject AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) en_US DC.subject Physical Cryptanalysis en_US DC.subject Power Attack en_US DC.title AES資料加密標準之實體密碼分析研究 zh_TW dc.language.iso zh-TW zh-TW DC.title The Research of Rijndael Against Physical Cryptanalyses en_US DC.type 博碩士論文 zh_TW DC.type thesis en_US DC.publisher National Central University en_US