博碩士論文 90141001 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorLi-Mei Hongen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本文以統計為基礎,以觀念史為方法,探討清乾隆朝紀昀之詩論,論文分八章包括緒論及結論,從五個方向探析,分別是論詩教、論雅俗、論體格與宋詩派、論格調派的批評方法、論紀昀對唐宋詩論爭的立場。首先紀昀詩論最鮮明之特色為詩教,其中包含兩個特點,其一是以「發乎情止乎禮」為宗旨,批評六朝詩與道學家詩。其二為批評「物不平則鳴」及反駁「文窮而後工」,紀昀認為詩人應以學問及人品化解際遇之困境。文中並比較紀昀論詩教與朱熹、沈德潛之差異以觀其特色。其次紀昀在《紀評蘇詩》有大量論蘇詩俚俗之評,蘇軾詩中大量採用民間俗語、俚語入詩與宋代詩文革新運動中「化俗為雅」的詩法相關,紀昀主張隆雅斂俗對此多予黜落。另《紀評蘇詩》中論體格之材料更多,學詩、評詩由體格入手此為嚴羽《滄浪詩話》的詩法,兩者並觀,表現出紀昀論詩雖欲採取折衷之立場,但在唐宋詩論爭中仍較近於晚唐派。而透過紀昀評《玉溪生詩說》更清楚揭露紀昀評詩之立場近於格調派之詩法,不過比明代之格調派開通。最後論紀昀《瀛奎律隨刊誤》此中清晰表現紀昀對清代唐宋詩論爭之評論。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis dissertation hopes to explore Ji Yun’s Poetic Theory during the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty by using statistics and the theory of history of ideas. The dissertation is composed of eight chapters, including the Introduction and the Conclusion. It hopes to elaborate different positions on the dispute on the Tang and Song Poetry with five Chapters/facets, including On the Poem Education, On the Elegant and the Vulgarism, On the Style, On the Song Poetics, and On Pattern Theory of Poetics. The dissertation starts with the most essential trait of Ji Yun’s Poetic Theory, the Poem Education. One of the two most distinctive points of Ji Yun’s Poetic Theory is the critique on the poetry of the Six Dynasty and the Daoism poetry based on the idea that “poetry should Start from one’s genuine feelings and restrained by good manners.” The other point is Ji Yun’s disapproval with the traditional idea that “great work comes from misfortune” because it is his belief that a poet should face his misfortune with his learning and character. The dissertation also wishes to elaborate the characteristics of Ji Yun’s Poetic Theory by comparing it to Zhu Xi’s and Shan De-Qien’s ideas of poetry especially from the angle of the style and pattern of poetry. Ji Yun makes some criticism on Sushi’s adopting folklore and idioms in his poetry in Ji Yun’s Critique on Sushi’s Poetics. Sushi’s adoption of folklore and idioms is considered to relate to “refining vulgarism and making more elegant” as the way of composing poetry advocated in the Literature Innovation Movement of the Song Dynasty. However, Ji Yun disagreed with the idea of refining vulgarism and suggested “advocate the elegance and weaken vulgarism.” Moreover, we can find more ideas on the style and pattern of poetry in Ji Yun’s Poetic Theory. Therefore, we can infer that even though Ji Yun wishes to take an more eclectic position, he is still closer to late Tang’s ideas about poetry in the dispute on Tang and Song Poetry. Furthermore, through Ji Yun’s Yu Xi Sheng on Poetry, it is clear that Ji Yun’s comments on poetry are closer to late Tang’s ideas about poetry which emphasizes on the style and pattern of poetry, but only that Ji’s are more eclectic than that of the literati in the Ming Dynasty. In his Ying Kui Lv Sui Kan Wu, Ji Yun’s favor of the late Tang’s ideas about poetry is even clearer. en_US
DC.subjectYu Xi Shen on Poetryen_US
DC.subjectPoetic Theoryen_US
DC.subjectJi Yunen_US
DC.subjectThe summary of general catalogue of SIKUQUANSHUen_US
DC.subjectAesthetics of Receivingen_US
DC.subjectThe Poetry in the Qing Dynastyen_US
DC.subjectSushi's Poeticsen_US
DC.subjectYing Kui Lv Sui Kan Wuen_US
DC.titleA Study on Ji Yun's Poetic Theoryen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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