博碩士論文 90430007 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorWei-Shinn Looen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract論文提要及內容: 近年來,企業環境變動快速,國際行銷策略規劃及行銷通路的掌握成為市場成功的重要關鍵因素之一,其彼此之關係的研究亦成為行銷理論重要的研究主題,台灣工具機產業對行銷通路的成果確有其實質上的貢獻,但未被深入研究及探討過。本研究針對台灣工具機產業做一些討論及特定廠商個案分析探索研究,希望能對此產業留下紀錄。 由於台灣工具機之市場規模小,內需規模有限,迫使該業者必須採取以全球市場為目標的國際行銷策略,早期其國外市場均集中在美國,但自1987年美國以國防安全為理由,對台灣及日本的廠家實施自我設限 (VRA) 後,迫使廠商重新擬定國際行銷策略,而轉戰歐洲及其他市場;雖然該設限已於1993年7月終止,但台灣廠商已在其他市場闖出一片天地。以其積極態度,反而培養了這些業者進入國際市場的行銷能力,使得台灣工具機的外銷比率不斷提昇,1988年外銷比率為64%,此後出口比率均維持在70 %以上,直到1999年出口比率攀升至85%,2000年、2001年分別續增至91.2%、108.6 %,此出現破百的不合理現象,乃因為台商在中國設廠之盛行,除了全新設備以外,更有中古機器整廠輸出,才會造成出口大於生產的現象。顯然台灣廠商已累積十分豐富的國際行銷經驗。本研究建構一研究行銷通路關係的理論架構,並選擇一家股票上市公司 – 亞崴機電股份有限公司其各主要國家的行銷通路為研究對象,採用個案探索的方式,實證影響行銷通路決策的因素及其策略與目標。行銷通路策略包括通路策略探討、目標規劃、確認、開發與管理。通路開發包括成員的開發、選擇及調查,通路管理包括交易管理、激勵、衝突管理與績效評估。 本研究的重要發現有:工具機產業的;1. 國際行銷策略的確會影響行銷通路的暢通及通路成員績效。2. 行銷通路策略及目標顯著影響通路規劃。3.每一個主要工業國家中間商的特性都彼此類似,呈現正向的影響效果。4. 行銷通路結構與產業特性均有正向的影響。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractExecutive Master of Business Administration, School of Management, National Central University Researcher: Eric, Wei-Shinn Loo Advisor: Prof. Dr. Hsiao-Mei Lee Topic: An Empirical Case Study Research On Taiwan Machine Tool Industry For International Marketing Strategy and Marketing Channel – An example of AWEA Mechantronic Co., Ltd The research of the relationship of International Marketing Strategic Planning and Performing Marketing Channel is playing an important role as the marketing principles. The marketing performance of Taiwan Machine Tool Industry has been contributing practically, but not been deeply researched and explored yet. This research focuses on the Literature review on the Marketing Strategy and Channel, also a case study of a specific Taiwan machine tool company. It is a must for all Taiwan machine tool builders to go into the global market owing to the little demand in Taiwan. In early period, most Taiwan builders concentrated on the US market, but then they relocated the marketing strategy to focus on Europe or other markets, since the US government had used VRA as the National Security excuse in 1987 to Taiwan and Japan builders. The VRA eventually terminated in 1993 July, yet most of the Taiwan builders have settled their global marketing channel successfully. In addition, before 2001, the Taiwan machine tool exporting ratio has the average of 70% merely, but in 2001 climbing up to 108.6% dramatically. The unreasonable ratio of breaking 100% is because the investment in China from Taiwan’s exporting for not only the new equipment but also the re-build used machinery. Take these examples, Taiwan machine tools builder conspicuously accumulating their international marketing experience. The research constructs the Theory structure and provides a pioneering case study of the international marketing channel for a listed company – Awea Mechantronic Co., Ltd., which empirically finds marketing strategy and channel do affect the decision making. The outcomes of the research are as follow: 1. Marketing strategy includes the aspects of strategy survey, target planning, confirmation, development and management. 2. Channel development includes the aspects of partnership development, selection and evaluation. 3. Channel management includes the aspects of trade management, conflict management, encouragement and performance evaluation. Keywords: Machine Tool Industry, Machine Tools, Global Marketing strategy, Marketing Channel, CNCen_US
DC.subjectMarketing Channelen_US
DC.subjectMachine Toolsen_US
DC.subjectGlobal Marketing strategyen_US
DC.subjectMachine Tool Industryen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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