博碩士論文 90532002 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorTsung-Kai Leeen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract隨著無線通訊技術的進步,使得傳輸的頻寬逐漸提升,也促使利用手持行動裝置,結合無線網路的遠端監控控制應用越來越多,特別是遠距醫療、居家保全、遠端居家看護、家電自動化監控等應用。然而,為確保傳輸效率與視訊品質的穩定,這些系統大多使用有線網路及無線區域網路的平台,少有結合行動電話方面的無線通訊網路技術如GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) 與PHS (Personal Handy phone System) 來做相關的應用。此外,在這些相關遠端視訊監控的應用中[1],多數採用固定式的視訊擷取,意即遠端攝影機是無法轉動的。因此本論文提出以手持行動裝置和網路攝影機CCD (Charge Coupled Device),並結合以GSM網路[2][3]為基礎之GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) [3]及PHS兩種無線通訊技術,來做為開發平台,並實作出一套無線遠端監控系統 (Wireless Remote and Monitor System)。目的在於使用平板電腦 (Tablet PC)或PDA (Personal Digital Assistant),搭配具有GPRS功能或PHS系統的擴充裝置後,能輕易地透過網際網路的連接,可動態地操控遠端的網路CCD,讓使用者可以達到隨時隨地無線遠端監控的目的。實測的結果顯示,我們可以成功地使用平板電腦、PDA與筆記型電腦,分別結合GPRS、PHS與無線區域網路,利用遠端下達指令來控制網路CCD做到上、下、左、右的旋轉。此外,可以依據使用者的需求或根據現有傳輸頻寬的大小,自動選擇回傳三種不同影像解析度中最合適的影像,以確保影像品質與流暢度。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAlong with the wireless communication technology progress, causes the transmission the frequency width gradually to promote, also urges the use mobile device, the union wireless network remote monitoring control application are more and more many, specially the long-range medical service, the home security ,home nursing, electrical appliances automation monitoring. However, for guarantees the transmission efficiency with to regard the video quality the stability, these systems mostly use the wired network and the wireless local area network platform, less applications combine the mobile phone with wireless communication network technology like GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) with Personal Handy phone System to make the correlation with PHS the application. In addition, is connected in these remote monitoring in the application [ 1 ], most uses the stationary type to capture image and video, The means remote camera is unable to rotate. Therefore the paper proposed mobile device and network camera CCD (Charge Coupled Device), and the base on the GSM network [ 2 ] [ 3 ] with GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) [ 3 ] and the PHS two kind of wireless communications technologies, does for develops the platform, and really makes a set of wireless remote monitoring system. The goal lies in the use Tablet PC or PDA (Personal Digital Assistant), after matches has the GPRS function or the PHS system expansion, can easily penetrate the Internet the connection, and dynamic controls the remote network CCD, enables the user to be allowed to achieve the wireless remote monitoring goal in anytime and anywhere. The actual result showed, we can successfully use the Tablet PC, PDA and the Notebook, separately unifies GPRS, PHS and the Wireless Local Area Network, issues the command using the remote control network CCD to achieve up, down, left, right revolving. In addition, may rest on user’’s demand or the basis existing transmission bandwidth automatic selection feedback three kind of different images analyses center most appropriate image, guarantees the image quality and smoothness.en_US
DC.titleWireless Remote Monitoring Systemen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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