博碩士論文 91125007 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorchun-chuan chiangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract論文摘要   本論文研究對象為「日本赤十字社台灣支部」(以下簡稱「台灣支部」),其成立時間雖為1902年,但本論文涵蓋之時間始自1895年,終止於1945年太平洋戰爭(Pacific War)結束,日本戰敗為止。原因在於自1895年日清雙方簽訂「馬關條約」後,日本因台灣接收問題,曾派軍來台發動戰爭,當時日本赤十字社亦曾派員隨軍進行戰地救護活動,並在日軍進入台北城後不久即設立「日本赤十字社台北委員部」,進行社員招募的活動,以於台灣推廣赤十字事業,此為台灣支部之濫觴。另一方面,台灣支部之下所設置的相關組織,亦是本文重要的研究範圍,諸如:1899年由村上須摩子倡議設立之「日本赤十字社篤志看護婦人會臺北支會」、1904年興工建築,1905年正式開院之「日本赤十字社台灣支部醫院」及1930年代後之「少年赤十字團」等,對於協助台灣支部擴張赤十字事業,皆有相當程度的助益,其範圍包括救護人員之訓練、肺結核之防治、兒童保健、免費巡迴診療、為國家「奉仕」精神之涵養及軍事救援活動之協助等方面之貢獻。   本論文冀望透過分析相關史料及公文書,以期對台灣支部的成立過程、經費來源、其與總督府之間之互動關係、台灣地區入社社員之背景、台灣支部與其他慈善事業的互動情形、支部醫院於疫病防治所扮演之角色、「理蕃」事業的救護活動、天災之救護活動及台灣支部在戰爭時期之活動情形,進行深入的分析與探討。透過上述史料分析,嘗試刻劃出赤十字社在台灣地區活動之面貌,了解其在日治時期的發展過程中,究竟是扮演單純的民間慈善組織,亦或與官方之間存在密不可分之關係,藉以釐清日治時期台灣地區赤十字社的組織性質。意即,在日本殖民統治之下的台灣,殖民統治者(Japanese Colonial rules)在運用台灣地區的資源投入殖民母國對外的戰爭,或是對內的災害救護活動時,是否曾以國家力量介入台灣支部的運作中,以此對台灣地區進行各方面的動員呢?台灣支部經費來源、戰爭時期台灣支部參與動員的情形以及戰時救護班的組成人員數和投入情形?日本赤十字社如何在台灣地區建立赤十字社組織,及其與總督府之間的關係為何?台灣支部如何整合台灣地區的人力及物力,以便在戰時或是災害發生時進行救援活動?以及在國民保健的活動或是其他相關的事業上,是否有日台人差別待遇的情形產生等問題,亦為本文嘗試努力的方向。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe Study of the Taiwan Local Red Cross Branch(1895-1945)   The main topic of this study is the Taiwan Local Red Cross Branch (short form for Taiwan Branch). Taiwan Branch was established in 1902, but this study traces its history back to 1895 and ends in 1945, which Pacific War was over and Japan lost the war. After Japan government and Ching Dynasty concluded and signed Treaty of Shimonoseki in 1895, Japan started war to deal with takeover problems of Taiwan. In the same time, the Japanese Red Cross Society also came to Taiwan and started proceeding their activities. They set up the Japanese Red Cross Committee in Taipei right after Japan army arriving Taipei City. Therefore, Japanese Red Cross Society could recruit members and spread their associate affairs around.    Furthermore, this study also discusses the related organizations under Taiwan Branch such as “the Taipei Local Branch of the Ladies’ Volunteer Nursing Association”, which was established in 1899 by 村上須摩子, “the Taiwan Local Red Cross Hospital”, which was started to build in 1904 and was opened in 1905, and “the Junior Red Cross” in 1930s. These organizations help the Taiwan Branch to spread the Red Cross Associate affairs such as first aider training, phthisis prevention, child health care, free cure, nurturing the spirit of materialism and rescuing military service.    According to literature review of the development, organization structure of Taiwan Brach and their effects on Taiwan society, we can clarify appearance of Red Cross Associate affairs and its organization character. Therefore, we can find out the role of Taiwan Brach: Taiwan Branch wasn’t only a simply charity ,but also an organization close to authority, Japan government interfere in the affairs of Taiwan Branch and use the source in Taiwan to support the needs for war outside of Taiwan. Moreover, Japan government integrate resource in Taiwan to proceed aid affairs through interfering in Taiwan Branch’s operations. Taiwan Branch integrated people and resourced to proceed aid affairs when war or disaster occurs.en_US
DC.subjectThe Ladies’ Volunteer Nursing Associationen_US
DC.subjectWar Mobilizationen_US
DC.subjectWar Aiden_US
DC.subjectThe Taiwan Local Red Cross Branchen_US
DC.titleThe Study of the Taiwan Local Red Cross Branch(1895-1945)en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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