博碩士論文 91431027 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorI-Tai Fuhen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract組織公民行為是不在組織中明文規範,但利於組織的行為;義工行為是基於助人、利他的精神,為所有需要幫助的人或機構團體提供協助的行為。雖然行為行使對象不同,本質上卻有異曲同工之妙。本文主要以某研究機構之員工為對象,探討其人格特質對義工行為與組織公民行為之影響,藉以提供企業作為人才選用的參考基礎。經研究結果,共歸納出三項重要結論: 一、人格特質對組織公民行為有顯著正向影響 二、人格特質對義工行為有顯著正向影響 三、義工行為對組織公民行為有顯著正向影響 綜合以上結論,本研究針對個案機構或其他研究單位、高科技公司提出以下建議: 一、在人才招募方面:當員工招募時,在條件相近的應試對象中,建議挑選具有親和性與勤勉正直性的人才,如此將有助於未來組織公民行為的展現。並可以藉由瞭解應試對象對於義工行為的認同、參與程度來佐證,以作為甄選條件的考量。 二、在考核升遷方面:為利於組織之經營運作,建議在進行員工績效或升遷考核時,對於員工適時的組織公民行為表現應酌予考量,如此將有助於員工展現組織公民行為風氣的形成。 三、在人才培育方面:為著眼於未來的永續經營,在高級人才的培育上,應選擇有向心力,對公司價值觀有高度認同的員工。方法之一,就是觀察員工是否具備親和性、勤勉正直性,及平時是否願意對內展現組織公民行為,對外展現義工助人行為。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractOrganization citizenship behavior is the behavior that benefits the organization but not explicitly specified in the organization; whereas voluntary is to provide assistance with altruistic spirit to people or organizations that need help. Although these two behaviors are carried out on different objects, they are in nature quite the same. The investigation in this article basically takes the staff of certain research institute as the object, and discusses the effect on volunteering and organization citizenship behavior that the personal traits of each individual has, so as to provides an enterprise as a reference basis during employee selection process. Our research result reveals the following three important findings: 1. Personal trait has significant positive effect on organization citizenship behavior; 2. Personal trait has significant positive effect on voluntary; 3. Voluntary has significant positive effect on organization citizenship behavior. Based on the above findings, here are the suggestions for the object research institutes as we as other research institutes and high-tech companies: 1. Employee selection: among applicants with similar competence, we suggest picking the agreeable and conscientiousness individuals, as this will benefit the future development of the organization citizenship behavior. Furthermore, the information obtained through examining individual applicant’s attitude toward (and participation of) the volunteering work can be a helpful hint for the recruiters when screening the applicants, 2. Employee evaluation and promotion: For the benefit of organizational operation, we suggest giving the consideration to employee’s timely organization citizenship behavior during the employee evaluation process, as it will facilitate the formation of organization citizenship behavior sentiment. 3. Leadership training: As leadership training addresses the issue of future business continuity, employees chosen for leadership training should be those who recognize and agree with the organization’s values. One way to identify potential candidates, is to observe whether they are agreeable and conscientiousness, and whether they are willing to show organization citizenship behavior at work, and to show voluntary off work.en_US
DC.subjectOrganization Citizenship Behavioren_US
DC.subjectPersonality Traiten_US
DC.titleThe effect of personality trait on voluntary and organization citizenship behavioren_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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