博碩士論文 91433008 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorShou-I Huangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract當國內企業在面臨國際採購大廠的壓力及稍早Y2K的問題時,均陸續地投入企業資源規劃系統(ERP)的建置,以調整較具彈性之組織結構,整合內部資源來強化企業的競爭力。然而,隨著資訊科技的進步與全球化的競爭,供應鏈管理策略的導入,則是繼建置企業資源規劃系統後,企業需要積極思考的方向。 本研究的目的在探討國內PDA產業以ERP為基礎,建構供應鏈管理之流程最佳化的過程。我們採用個案研究的方法,以國內第一大PDA生產代工廠商—宏達國際為個案公司,探討在面對市場快速成長,產業快速變化的環境以及更多競爭者投入市場競爭下,如何進行內部供應鏈管理程序的再造,修改ERP系統以解決取替代料的問題,並結合採購流程的再造,以提升整體供應鏈的效率。此一最佳化的步驟從制訂企業營運策略開始,依序是建構供應鏈管理策略、成立執行之專案、規劃企業流程再造、資訊系統整合與開發,到執行績效的評估等共六項,透過其執行階段反覆的過程,得以在物料資訊的透明,銷售預測時間的縮短,庫存物料的降低,以及需求變更時能快速的反應,這些均已展現初步的成效。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractMany manufacturers in Taiwan have implemented enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems in dealing with the Y2K problem and the pressure from the major international customers. Due to the advances in information technology and the ever-increasing industrial competition, contemporary businesses must focus more the coordination of business activities within the internal operations and interaction between the enterprise and its upstream and downstream partners in the supply chain, than on the transaction management and process automation. It is a strategic necessity for a company to set up its supply chain management (SCM) strategy and pursue the optimization of SCM processes through the business process reengineering and the integration of underlying information systems. This research is to study how a PDA manufacturer in Taiwan is pursuing the optimization of its SCM processes upon the foundation of an implemented ERP. We adopt the case study approach and take the number one OEM/ODM PDA manufacturer in Taiwan as the case company. To cope with the rapid growth of the market for PDAs and smart phones, together with the shortened product lifecycle and the increasing industrial rivals, the case company reengineered its internal SCM operations, customized its installed ERP system to resolve the problem of traditional MRP with the substitutable material, and reengineered its procurement process, henceforth is able to improve the efficiency of its SCM processes. This study is concluded with a six-step optimization process, which starts from the setup of business strategies, followed by the establishment of SCM strategies, the initiation of the implementation project, the planning of business process reengineering, the development and integration of information systems, and the assessment of the project performance. Through the iterative process during the execution phase of the entire process, the case company has achieved early successes in the visibility of material information, reduction in time spent in sales forecasting, lowering the inventory level, and quick response to customers’ demand change.en_US
DC.subjectCase Studyen_US
DC.subjectBusiness Process Reengineeringen_US
DC.subjectSupply Chain Managementen_US
DC.subjectEnterprise Resource Planningen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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