博碩士論文 91433013 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChi-Tsong Sueen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract隨著網際網路進入校園已有一段時日,當前國中資訊教師面臨最大挑戰就是學生在上課時間任意上網,嚴重影響正常教學活動。現有的管制作為及應用軟體,大都無法用比較為簡便及彈性的方式,來解決此類學生沉迷網路的行為。 針對上述問題,本研究首先整理目前網路沉迷造成的問題,進而以 Red Hat Linux上的Squid代理伺服器為系統基礎,搭配MySQL資料厙與自行撰寫的PHP程式,完成一套具有:(1)簡易-完全使用瀏覽器(2)彈性-依不同班級載入政策(3)個人化-根據不同學生的學習表現設定管理規則等三項特色的全球資訊網權限管理系統,讓資訊教師可以對針對每個學生的上網權限進行管理。 本研究除完成全球資訊網權限管理系統外,也探討此系統的應用,包括能否藉由彈性化及個人化的網站限制方式,逐漸地改善學生的學習態度及作業準時完成率?我們也分析若此系統的應用,能有所改善的話,此改善的效果是否與學生網路沉迷的程度、先前的學習成績有所關聯?我們的研究發現歸納如下: 1、對學生進行適度的上網權限管理能逐漸改善其學習態度及作業準時完成比率。 2、網路沉迷程度愈高,表示其學習態度愈差,因此會造成學生的作業準時完成比率愈低。 3、學生的學習成績愈差者,對自己的網路行為約束力也比較差,因此網路的沉迷程度也會比較高。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractWith the widely use of the Internet on the campus, the biggest challenge junior high school computer teachers would have is that students often surf the Internet in class without teacher’s permission which seriously disturbs the normal teaching procedures. However, the current measures, such as the control of accessing to the Internet and other software to solve the problem that students are hooked on the Internet can’’t be implemented by simple and flexible ways. First of all, to deal with the above problem about the Internet Addiction, we develop a system based on the Squid Proxy of the Red Hat Linux with MySQL database and the self-composed program of PHP. This WWW Access Management System comes up with three features: (1) Simplicity -use the browser only (2) Flexibility – make proper policy adjusted to different classes (3) Individualization – set up the management rules according to students’ performance on study. With the use of this system, computer teachers can easily supervise whether each student has the access to the Internet. Besides developing WWW Access Management System, we also research on its application. For example, case discuss about whether this system improves students learning attitude and increase the chances that students can finish their homework on time by means of the flexible and individualized WWW Access Management. We analyze the effectiveness to see if there are some improvements after utilizing it. If it does make some improvements, are they related to students obsession with the Internet or their previous academic performance? We conclude our research as the following: 1.To make good use of this system can gradually improve students learning attitude and hand in their homework on time. 2.The higher degree students are addicted to the Internet, the worse learning attitude they have. Therefore they tend to hand in their homework overtime. , 3.The lower grades students get, the worse self-control ability of overusing the Internet they have. Therefore, they tend obsessed with the Internet.en_US
DC.subjectComputer Teachingen_US
DC.subjectWorld Wide Weben_US
DC.subjectInternet Addictionen_US
DC.subjectJunior High Schoolen_US
DC.subjectAccess Managementen_US
DC.titleThe Design and Implementation of WWW Access Management System-Take Junior High School Computer Teaching as Exampleen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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