博碩士論文 92121009 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChing-ju Liuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract中國文學觀念的轉變,在晚清以「小說」的改變最為明顯。小說從「街談巷語、道聽途說、難登大雅之堂」的文學末流,一躍成為文學的新寵,這巨大的變革以梁啟超所提倡的「小說界革命」為標竿。梁啟超並且創辦小說專門刊物《新小說》,大量刊登小說理論與作品。一時間小說專門刊物如雨後春筍一般在各地發刊,書寫及閱讀小說的人口大量增加。 提到晚清的小說刊物,立即就會聯想到「上海」以及「四大小說期刊」。上海在近代小說的發展歷程中佔有重要地位,出版期刊與小說的書局最多,這時期重要的作家也多在此活動。但這並不意謂其他地區沒有優秀的文藝作品或是小說專刊的出現。在廣州、香港地區,由身兼革命家、小說家及報人身份的黃世仲與其兄黃伯耀所編輯的《中外小說林》,即是一份相當值得研究的刊物。 黃世仲在短短十年間創作中長篇小說達十八部之多,參與或主編十種以上的報刊,尤其是他與黃伯耀所主辦的三種小說專刊《粵東小說林》、《中外小說林》及《繪圖中外小說林》,更是暢談小說理論以及提供他小說創作發表的重要園地。這份旬刊發行地遍及廣州、香港以及海外。最難能可貴的是黃世仲兄弟同時還身兼其他報刊的編採工作,並且積極參與革命運動。他們對於文學創作和文學刊物編輯的熱情,使三種《中外小說林》穩定的發行至少三十七期以上,展現過人的精力與心力。 這三種《中外小說林》雖然知名度不如上海發行的四大小說期刊,但這並不能抹煞它的重要性。因此,要使晚清小說刊物研究的版圖更加完整,必不能遺漏《中外小說林》這塊拼圖。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe concept of Chinese literature has adapted along its history, the most obvious change in the novel is in the late Qing Dynasty. At that time, the novel was considered as a new literature form rather than urban legends or mere fables which were regarded as less serious. This significant revolution was unfolded by Liang Qichao who advocated the reform in the genres of novel. Liang published periodicals which contained profound theory of novels and contemporary works. All of a moment, the similar journals started to be spread widely; the popularity of writing and reading novels increased. It is hard to master the novels in the late Qing without mentioning Shanghai and Four Great Classical Novels. For development of modern novels, Shanghai occupied the dominant location where a great amount of bookstores and publisher’s agents assembled, and so did many reputable writers. However, it did not mean that there was lack of excellent works in other regions of China. For example, around area of Guangzhou and Hong Kong, Huang Shizhong, a revolutionary, a novelist, and also a journalist, who wrote in a magazine, Chinese and Foreign Stories, with his order brother- Huang Boyao. Their works were highly recommended and worthy to be studied in depth as well. About Huang Shizhong, he finished about eighteen volumes of fiction and edited more than ten publications in ten years. Two brothers published Stories of East Guangdong, Chinese and Foreign Stories, and Illustrated Chinese and Foreign Stories which could fully explain their opinion of novels and their own creative writing. These periodicals spread quickly to Guangzhou, Hong Kong and even overseas. It was amazing that the Huang brothers worked as editors for other agents and both devoted themselves to the revolution at the same time. Under these circumstances, each publication of two brothers was still printed for more than 37 issues because of their passion towards editing and creating of periodicals. Also, the efforts and persistence of the Huang brothers also played an important role to achieve this goal. Although the three periodicals are not as prevalent as the Four Great Classical Novels in Shanghai, the importance of the three magazines cannot be ignored and eliminated. Instead, in order to finish the studying of periodicals for the novels in the Qing, Chinese and Foreign Stories has its value and cannot be excluded for sure.en_US
DC.subjectHuang Shizhongen_US
DC.subjectthe late Qing novelen_US
DC.subjectlate Qingen_US
DC.subjectChinese and Foreign Storiesen_US
DC.subjectFour Great Classical Novels.en_US
DC.titleStudies of Huang Shizhong and "Chinese and Foreign Stories".en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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