博碩士論文 92131010 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorWei-Shu Taien_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本文乃依據馮夢龍(1574-1646)編輯之《喻世明言》、《警世通言》、《醒世恆言》,亦即通稱《三言》為文本,選取其中以南宋都城臨安為背景或述及臨安城的廿篇文本,探究遭遇靖康之難、偏安江南一隅的「行在所」-臨安,在商業、遺民、宗教三領域中的特殊意涵,並以話本人物為代表,進行城與人之間的對話。特別是發跡變泰的賣油郎秦重、末路英雄的落拓將領咸安王、由聖入凡的人妖戀主角白娘子,均是臨安城中具代表性的人物。藉城與人的對話,凸顯出臨安城獨特的時代、地域交織出的濃重商業形象、遺民意識,以及宗教色彩。   論文主要分為三個單元,其一是在唐卅宋、坊牆卅瓦舍之間,探究仕與商在中國傳統社會中的沉浮,以及宋代,尤其是南宋社會大量發跡變泰人物出現的社會背景以及話本的反映現實,並且讓秦重發聲,展現出迥異於其他各型發跡變泰者的面貌。其二是以當代顯學「記憶」入手,探討遺民卅移民對記憶,或說追憶的無限悵惘與美化作用,並以飲食、節慶及時代三面向說明記憶在其中產生的變化作用,同時以咸安郡王-韓世忠在時代巨輪下的影響做結。其三則是呈現在宗教氛圍籠罩下三教合一的中國社會獨特色彩,以及其間的色空觀、果報說如何影響上層知識分子和下層芸芸百姓,尤其是大量的宗教人士,無論是佛是道,正面型反面型,活躍於話本中擔綱主角的重任,和前代文學相較確屬非凡。最終以漫遊收束全文,除了在文本漫遊外,更藉實地查訪,意圖結合古今,至少能在漫遊路線略盡學術的「考證」之責,並以現場拍攝的照片讓現代「臨安」留下見證。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAccording to San Yan: Common Words to Warn the World (Jingshi tongyan), Constant Words to Awaken the World (Xingshi hengyan), and Clear Words to Inform the World (Yushi mingyan)—collected, edited, or written by Feng Menglong (Ming) Twenty stories from the three collections will be selected for intense reading and close analysis on condition that they all took place in Lin-an (modern Hangzhou), the capital of Southern Song Dynasty. Special attention will be given to the characteristics of Lin-an after the disastrous reign period Jingkang in late Northern Song period in terms of three aspects: commercial development, Song loyalism (yimin ideology), and religious impact. Three fictional characters will be analyzed to probe the development of Lin-an: Chin Zhueng- Nouveau Riche (The Oil-vendor and the Courtesan), Prefecture King of Xian-an--Han Shizhong (Artisan Ts’’ui and his Ghost Wife), and Bai Suzhen (Madame White Snake Jailed Eternally in the Leifeng Pagoda). There are three parts in my dissertation. In part one the rise and fall of scholar-officials’ and merchants’ social status from Tang to Song Dynasty will be discussed in the course. It is noticeable that numbers of commoners arose to become rich and important by means of fortune or other factors during the Southern Song Dynasty. For this reason, the researcher will also explore the embodiment of the influence of sudden rich in the selected stories. Moreover, there will be an in-depth evaluation of Chin Zhueng, the Oil-vendor, who has different internal growth from characters in other stories. In part two the researcher will mainly focus on the topic “memory” which was expansively discussed at that period. The likely beautification and variations of “memory” for the loyalists’ and regional immigrants’ will also be analyzed in aspects of food, festivals, and eras. In part three the researcher will present how the religious synthesis of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism placed great influence on the society, especially in Lin-an. The concepts of “rupa is sunya” and “corresponding relations of cause and effect in the moral realm” will be proved to have considerable influence on upper-class intellectuals and lower-class commoners. It is notable that numerous religious figures came out at that period no matter they were protagonists or antagonists in Buddhism or Taoism. Finally the researcher will connect ideas about “rover” with both written context and personal journey to the modern Hangzhou, hence one can bears witness to the different faces of Lin-an from ancient times to the present.en_US
DC.subjectNouveau Richeen_US
DC.subjectFeng Mengongen_US
DC.subjectSan Yanen_US
DC.titleThe City and The People: A Case Study on Lin-an in San Yanen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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