博碩士論文 92135012 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorJhuo-Jyun Huangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract現今社會中說到吃檳榔大家就一定會聯想到原住民及一連串的負面印象,但是不可否認的檳榔卻是代表台灣本土的特色之一。然而社會上嚼食檳榔的人口何其多,為何大家特別帶著有色的眼光看待原住民吃檳榔這件事,其實從歷史文獻的紀錄可知,除了大家對檳榔的刻板印象外,自古以來檳榔這小東西與人民的生活息息相關,尤以清代台灣社會為最。因此,本文希望藉由研究檳榔與清帶台灣原住民的關係,為社會上對原住民嚼食檳榔的表面行為作一更深層的探究,並提供一個新的觀察角度與思考面向,說明為何檳榔這個小東西在現今社會仍魅力不減。 本文主要以檳榔為切入點,對檳榔與清代台灣原住民的關係作一論述。以文獻資料的整理、分析、解讀為主。第一章是概述檳榔的歷史,包括歷史沿革、起源、生長環境、功能、嚼食方式以及如何攜帶檳榔的器具等問題。 第二章在瞭解分析檳榔與台灣原住民的歷史淵源、原住民有關檳榔的神話傳說及其中所蘊含的意義,最後則述說原住民因檳榔構成的生活方式及特殊文化。 第三章特別針對原住民在各種祭儀禮俗所形成的特殊文化作一探討,從中解析為何檳榔在原住民社會是一種既神聖又不可或缺的供品、道具,冀望透過第二、三章的分析能讓大眾更深入了解檳榔對於原住民社會文化的重要內涵。 第四章則解析因為檳榔在清代台灣社會的盛行,所造成許多的議題,例如檳榔盛行的情況、熱絡的檳榔市場和專業的檳榔師傅及檳榔攤出現等。此時的漢移民不斷的開墾下,社會形成富裕、奢侈的景象,檳榔搖身一變為流行消費品,甚至成為一有利可圖的商品,於是台灣南部廣為種植而出現「一畝檳榔一草堂」之景觀,並使得清政府將檳榔也加入稅收行列,更讓檳榔的角色產生重大的轉變,這些議題都將在此章探究。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractWhen it comes to the betelnut, everyone thinks about the indigenous people and usually gains a negative impression of it. However, it is undeniable that the betelnut has become part of Taiwanese culture. Even though the betelnut-chewing population in Taiwan is increasing, most people discriminate against the indigenous people in particular. Checking out the historical records, we can tell the betelnut has been closely connected to people’s lives from the ancient time, especially in Qing Dynasty. Therefore, this paper will discuss the relationship between the betelnut and the Taiwanese indigenous people in the Qing Dynasty, so as to help us further understand why the indigenous people like to chew betelnuts, as well as to provide a new angle to explain why the betelnut still plays a very important role in today’s society. This paper probes how the betelnut connected the Taiwanese indigenous people in the Qing Dynasty in a way of collecting and analyzing the historical documents. The first chapter describes the betelnut history, including the background, growing environment, how to chew betelnuts, and ways to bring tools for cutting betelnuts. The second chapter introduces the historical connections between the betelnut and the Taiwanese indigenous people, the betelnut legends past in the indigenous society and their implications, as well as the unique indigenous life style and culture influenced by the betelnut. The third chapter reveals the rituals and customs of the indigenous culture, with a view to realize why the betelnut serves a sacred and irreplaceable offering in the indigenous society. Through the discussion in the chapter 2 and chapter 3, readers get more understanding about the implications of the betelnut in the indigenous society. The fourth chapter indicates the hustle and bustle in the betelnut markets in the Qing Dynasty to show how popular the betelnut was. Moreover, with the Han immigrants moving to Taiwan, there existed an economic gap between the rich and the poor. The betelnut gradually became a popular and high-priced commodity. In response, the betelnut trees were grown in most part of the southern Taiwan, which not only encouraged the Qing government to impose a levy on the betelnut, but also dramatically changed the role of the betelnut in the history.en_US
DC.subjectindigenous peopleen_US
DC.subjectHan immigrantsen_US
DC.subjectbetelnut houseen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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