博碩士論文 92141004 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorWen-Ting Hungen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract《毛詩稽古編》是明末清初經學家陳啟源詮釋《詩經》之作品,稽古是其手段,闡述古經本旨、力挽宋元以來棄雅訓而登俗詮的弊端是其目標。歷來研究《詩經》者眾,然少見針對處於明末清初儒學變化發展過渡期的陳啟源,做深入探究者。研究其書,應有助了解《詩經》學在當時尋求儒學新價值的代表意義。 本論文取陳啟源《毛詩稽古編》為研究對象,以檢閱《毛詩稽古編》為基礎,整理〈敘例〉、〈舉要〉篇章之理論概念,驗諸各詩篇之具體表現,從中歸結陳啟源論《詩》之立場,進而檢視其詮釋原則與方法之運用,以對陳氏《詩經》學有一全面而完整之認識。 辨證與稽古是《毛詩稽古編》兩項重點,《集傳》、《大全》等宋元諸家之說,則是《毛詩稽古編》之主要辨證對象。辨證的內容,偏重於解經方式。陳啟源重視文字訓詁,探求詩旨則致力尋求方法及資料上的保障,其強調講求證據、重視考證的作法,可說是後來經學考據之風的先驅。 陳啟源參酌舊詁,擇善而從以尋求古經本旨。他持守詩《序》、毛《傳》以解經,沿著經師、孔門弟子上溯孔子的稽古流程,建構以孔子為歸依之詩教系統。如此強調政教訓世的內涵,融合了作詩者、國史、采詩官、周公、孔子、經師、釋詩者及陳啟源自己的釋詩之意,已非單純的詩人本意。陳啟源以漢學家的態度與方法,在明末清初賦予了《毛詩》新的意義與價值。其所稽之古,實是處於變動時代,經學家欲通經致用,建立儒學新價值的學術產物。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractMaoshi Jigubian is the work of Chen Qiyuan, a classical scholar in the end of the Ming and early Qing Dynasty, to interpret The Book of Poetry. He applied the means of investigating into the past to interpret the meaning of the ancient book and his goal was to rectify the fault of giving up elegant teachings to mundane interpretation that happened since the Song and Yuan Dynasties. Over the years, many scholars studied The Book of Poetry, but in-depth discussions on Chen Qiyuan, who was in the middle of the transition period of Confucianism in terms of its change and development in the end of the Ming and early Qing Dynasties, were hardly seen. It should be helpful to study his book in order to understand the meaning of studying The Book of Poetry at a time when people were searching for new values of the Confucianism. This thesis selected Chen Qiyuan’s Maoshi Jigubian as subject, examined it and sorted out the theories in the articles of Xuli and Juyao to verify the presentation in each poetry and to conclude Chen Qiyuan’s position in discussing The Book of Poetry. Further on, this study examined his interpretation principle and method so that a full and complete understanding about Chen’s studying The Book of Poetry could be achieved. Dialectics and investigation into the past were the two focuses of Maoshi Jigubian and its main dialectical subjects were those teachings such as Jizhuan and Daquan in the Song and Yuan Dynasties. The contents of dialectics focused more on the methods of how The Book of Poetry was interpreted. Chen Qiyuan emphasized the interpretation on ancient texts and he was dedicated to searching for securities for means and information when he probed into the meaning of poetries. His way of emphasizing proofs and textual research proved him to be the pioneer of the textual criticism on classics that later developed. Chen Qiyuan took references from past explanations and chose some better parts that allowed him to look into the meaning of the ancient book. He followed Shi Xu and Mao Zhuan to interpret the book. He constructed a Shi teaching system by tracing back Confucius’ process of investigating into the past through classic scholars and Confucius’ students. A content that emphasized so much on teaching and covered the interpretations of the poet, Guoshi, Caishiguan, Zhougong, Confucius, classic scholars, poetry interpreters and Chen Qiyuan himself no longer represented a pure meaning from the poet. With the attitude and studying method of a sinologist, Chen Qiyuan had given new meaning and value to Maoshi in the end of the Ming and early Qing Dynasties. The investigation into the past that he had made was actually an academic product of a classic scholar who wished to make good use of the teachings and establish new value for the Confucianism in a volatile time.en_US
DC.subjectMao's Peotryen_US
DC.subjectcontext exploring of ancient booksen_US
DC.subjectinfering author’s viewpoint from readers’en_US
DC.subjecttrue meaning seeking of acient booksen_US
DC.subjectdiscipline of seeking truth from factsen_US
DC.titleThe Study of Qiyuan Chen’s Maoshi Jigubianen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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