博碩士論文 92141005 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorShu-chen Wangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract集作家、編輯、出版人於一身的林海音,在振興文學事業所展現的熱忱及貢獻有口皆碑。她在台灣文壇的重要性,除其個人文學創作外,則是以編輯人的身分形塑《聯副》的文學性格;以出版人的角色,創辦《純文學》月刊、成立純文學出版社,積極從事文化傳播事業。 林海音創辦的刊物與成立的出版社,在台灣文學發展與傳播的影響力,並不亞於她的創作。林海音歷史位置的形成,亦無法迴避這些曾聯係著她生命的文化因素。然而,對於林海音做為一位出版人的論述,相對於討論其創作表現的篇章,明顯缺乏。 緣此,本人試圖以異於昔往的角度,重新解讀「林海音」。突破對作家作品直線式的研究,對出版與文學關係進行考察,試圖在既有論述之外與「出版」作連結,發展出不同的對話聲音,拓展林海音研究使之形成一完整體系。 本文將以羅貝爾.埃斯卡皮(Robert Escarpit)文學社會學為理論主線,將文學視為一種社會活動,放在社會學範疇來看。針對林海音出版事業──純文學出版社與《純文學》月刊,進行外緣與內緣的研究。更參考皮耶.布爾迪厄(Pierre Bourdieu)文化資本建構理念,亦藉由文獻研究法,經由文獻蒐集、整理純文學出版社相關資料。將已尋得的資料為基礎,作為詮釋分析時的依據。 本論文不僅論及林海音傳播行為本身,也關注到傳播主體所衍生出來的相關項目,包括純文學出版社的發展歷程、出版物特質、編輯製作、經營策略、社會功能等。以便對林海音出版事業的研究達到全面性。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAs a writer, editor and publisher, Hai-yin Lin was praised by all for her enthusiasm and contribution for prospering literature business. In addition to her literary creations, the significance of Lin in Taiwanese literary circles is that as an editor she shaped the literary characteristic of United Daily News Supplement; and as a publisher she published Belles-Lettres Monthly, found Belles-Lettres Publisher and undertook cultural dissemination actively. The influence of the publications Lin published and the publisher Lin found in the development and dissemination of Taiwanese literature is not inferior to her literary creations. Even the forming of Lin’s historical position could not get rid of all these cultural factors which related with her literature life. However, it was obviously that the lack of comment on Lin as a publisher in comparison with her performance on creation. Hence, this research re-interprets Hai-yin Lin in different point of view rather than former linear research on writers’ works; and observes the relation between publishing and literature. In addition to current statement, this research also tries to connect with publishing to develop varied standpoints and further expends the research on Lin to form the complete research structure. The core theory of this research is Literary Sociology proposed by French scholar, Robert Escarpit, in which literature has been taken as a social activity. This thesis carries out inner and outer research on Lin’s literary business, Belles-Lettres Monthly and Belles-Lettres Publisher, and not only refers to Pierre Bourdieu’s Constructive Concept of Cultural Capital but also follows reference research method to collect reference and arranges the data relevant to Belles-Lettres Publisher, moreover, using the data collected as the foundation to be the basis when it has been interpreted and analyzed. This research discussed not only Lin’s dissemination behavior but also concerned the relevant derivative from principal part of dissemination, such as the development process of Belles-Lettres Publisher, the property of publications, edition, business strategy and social function, in order to carry out complete research of Lin’s publishing business.en_US
DC.subjectHai-yin Linen_US
DC.titleA Study On The Life Of Hai-yin Lin And Her Publishing Companyen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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