博碩士論文 92336021 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorWei-Ya Chenen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract摘要 因應二十一世紀資訊電腦化與無線通訊產品的興起,各式輕、薄、短、小可攜帶之產品普及,使得作為人機介面的顯示器更是蓬勃發展,以平面顯示器而言,其薄膜電晶體液晶顯示器(TFT-LCD)為繼半導體產業之後另一新興之重點產業,亦是台灣重要之經濟命脈。 有鑑於此,本研究係以國內知名TFT-LCD廠發生之異常事故為例,蒐集2002年至2004年三年之異常事故紀錄報告為研究樣本,其異常事故紀錄報告係以條列加上文字敘述方式將事件內容填入異常事故紀錄表並作整體事件之描述說明,共計十二項。將蒐集之資料進行異常事故紀錄的資料整理及逐項分類,以實施異常事故資料分析之研究,探討廠務供應系統歷年異常事故發生之頻率及原因,分析異常事故發生之原因、降低人員及設備之損失,最終目的為避免因廠務供應系統異常因素導致企業遭受損失、現場作業員工蒙受職業災害。 維持穩定的運轉生產是企業一致的要求與目標,故掌握過去異常事故發生之原因、頻率再進行異常事故之分析討論與改善,以減少異常事故的發生,有其必要性。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAbstract For the rising and developing of computer information science and wireless communications technology, more and more portable products are required to be thinner, lighter and smaller for easy- carrying. Therefore, the development of human-machine user interface display nowadays is getting more and more prosperous. After being the worldleading country in semiconductor’s industry, the next main focus for Taiwan in the Flat Panel Display industry would be on the Thin Film Transistor Liquid Crystal Display manufacturing. Now we expect TFT- LCD to be of another economic importance in the future. For the reasons brought up above, this research will refer to the abnormal events of a well-known TFT- LCD factory in Taiwan and will have a thorough discussion. This paper will emphasize on exploring and analyzing the frequency and causes of the abnormal events of facility supplying system in the TFT- LCD industry. The data we used in the research were collected from abnormal event reports of a TFT- LCD factory during the year of 2002 and 2004. There are clauses and detailed descriptions in the report, which contains the total of 12 articles. There is no doubt that it is always an important goal to keep the operation stable while running the business, so we must know the overall situation well enough when the abnormal events happens and find the solution to improve the manufacturing process. We hope the conclusion of the paper can help to prevent the industry from manufacturing loss and prevent the operators from the occupational hazards if the facility supplying system is more advanced.en_US
DC.subjectabnormal eventsen_US
DC.subjectfacility supplying systemen_US
DC.subjectTFT- LCD Industryen_US
DC.titleThe Abnormal Event Analysis Of a TFT-LCD Factoryen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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