博碩士論文 92523052 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorI-Chia Chenen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract摘要 近年來,由於全球通信市場蓬勃發展與手持式電子產品之流行,更推動了網際網路之設備朝向無線通訊領域發展。而射頻電路設計便是無線通訊中一個關鍵性的技術,如RF 放大器、濾波器、混波器及振盪器都是其中重要的元件,因此在無線通訊系統中,射頻電路扮演著舉足輕重的角色。本論文包含了兩個部份,第一部份為使用2.0mm GaAs HBT製程與0.15mm GaAa pHEMT製程來設計壓控振盪器電路包含5.5 GHZ交連耦合/考畢茲壓控振盪器與14GHz 單端輸出壓控振盪器;第二部份為使用FR4基板,設計2.4GHz濾波器,包含髮夾式濾波器與環型耦合濾波器。 第一部份,所設計之晶片皆採用高頻探針方式進行量測。其電路量測結果如下:對5.5 GHz壓控振盪器而言,相位雜訊在100 KHz offset小於-85 dBc/Hz,可調頻率範圍為大於500 MHz ,輸出功率為大於-6 dBm。電路以3.5 V為電源供給,功率消耗約90 mW,其晶片面積為1.5×1 。對14 GHz壓控振盪器而言,相位雜訊在100 KHz offset小於-80dBc/Hz,可調頻率範圍約為1000 MHz ,輸出功率大於-2 dBm。電路以2.2 V為電源供給,功率消耗約120 mW,其晶片面積為1.5×1 。 論文第二部份,所設計之濾波器皆採用網路分析儀進行量測,亦使用耦合係數法進一步改良帶通濾波器之效能。對2.4 GHz濾波器量測結果如下:中心頻率為2.4 GHz,比例頻帶約為10 ﹪,帶通插入損失約為-4 dB與反射損失皆小於-10 dB,實際量測與電腦模擬的結果相當吻合。 本論文均以實例進行設計與製作,並將所得之結果相互比較。此研究所獲得的經驗,可供日後設計壓控振盪器與濾波器之依據。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractRecently, since the booming of wireless communication and multi-media services are getting popular, new applications such as wireless multi-media demands much fast speed and wide bandwidth. RF circuit design is one of the key technologies of the wireless communication system. The key components, such as RF amplifier, filter, mixer, and oscillator, are the most fundamental elements of the wireless system. Thus, the RF circuit technologies play an important role in the development of the wireless system. This thesis divides into two parts. The first part is the VCO design using 2.0mm InGaP HBT and pHEMT 0.15mm processes. The VCO design includes 5.5 /14 GHz voltage controlled oscillator (VCO). The second part is the 2.4 GHz filter on FR4 PCB. Hairpin and Ring-Couple filters are designed and implemented. The VCO chips were performed on-chip measurement. The 5.5 GHz VCO obtained the phase noise of -85 dBc/Hz at 100 KHz offset, the tuning ranges of 500 MHz, and the output power of –6 dBm. The chips’ area are compact as 1.5×1 . The resulting power consumption is about 90 mW at the 3.5 V power supply. The 14 GHz VCO obtained the phase noise of -80 dBc/Hz at 100 KHz offset, the tuning range of 1000 MHz, and VCO’s output power of -2dBm. The chips area were 1.5×1 . The resulting power consumption is about 120 mW at the 2.2 V power supply. In second part, S-parameters of the filters were measured using vector network analyzer. From the measurement result, center frequency, return loss and fractional bandwidth are about 2.4 GHz, -10 dB and 10, respectively. The measured results are good agreement with the theoretical predictions.en_US
DC.subjectVoltage-Controlled Oscillatoren_US
DC.title5.5/14 GHz 壓控振盪器與髮夾式/環型耦合濾波器之研製zh_TW
DC.titleImplementation of 5.5 / 14 GHz Voltage-Controlled Oscillators and Hairpin /Ring-Coupled Filtersen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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