博碩士論文 93131005 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYu- ching Sunen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本論文以九歌出版社年度散文選為研究對象,首先由商業機制分析其出版的緣起。民國七0年代初期,由於出版市場一片榮景,陸續有九歌、前衛、希代三家出版社角逐年度散文選的戰場,進行文化霸權的爭奪。在出版社理念、主編審美觀、選文標準、意識型態、市場接受度的交互影響下,唯獨九歌年度散文選一枝獨秀,站穩年度選集的市場。 其次從主編的角色討論散文選中的權力運作。由於主編審美觀操控年度散文選的風貌,也間接影響文學典律的生成,民國八十八年散文選全面改版,本論文透過實地訪問與前後對比,客觀呈現改版原因及改版後的選集風貌,再其次從琳瑯滿目的文學獎切入,探討年度散文選對文學獎的權力關係,以及文學獎對散文發展的影響。民國八十四年九歌年度散文獎的設置,更強化了九歌出版社與年度主編在文壇的權力地位。 接著從二十六本散文選中挑出六項流行題材(親情散文、自然寫作、女性散文、飲食散文、旅遊散文、醫療散文),分別列出此六項在年度散文選中的主要篇目,討論各類型寫作發展過程與寫作特色。 最後,透過這二十六年來的縱向觀察,歸納出作家世代的改變、作家性別比例的差異,與散文在形式、題材、手法、內容上的質變,並肯定年度散文選在文學史上的意義。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe object of the thesis is to study the Annual Selection of Prose (ASOP) issued by Chiu Ko Publishing Co., Ltd. First of all, I analyze the factors of its publishing development from the viewpoint of commercial mechanism. In the early days of 1980s, the market of publication was pretty prosperous so that there were three publishers, Chiu Ko, Avanguard and Sitakgroup, attending one after another the competitive field of ASOP to contend for the cultural hegemony. With the interactive influence of the ideal of the publisher, the aesthetic opinion of the chief editor, the standard of selection of articles, the ideology of the publisher and the acceptance level of market on the field, only ASOP issued by Chiu Ko outshined among others and remained steady in the market of the annual selection. Then, I discuss the operation of the authority in ASOP from the viewpoint of the role played by the chief editor. The aesthetic opinion of the chief editor dominates the configuration of ASOP and then indirectly impacts on the formation of the literary paradigms and principles. Since 1999, Chiu Ko has made changes in the mockup of ASOP. I objectively present the reasons of such a transformation and the configuration of ASOP after changing its mockup by means of the interview in person and the contrast of the present and the past. Next, I ponder on the variety of literary awards in order to discuss the power structure of ASOP versus literary awards and the impact of literary awards on the development of prose. After establishment of the annual prose award in 1995, Chiu Ko and its chief editor consolidated their status of power in literary circles. After that, I sort six items of popular subject matters (family love prose, nature writing, female prose, diet prose, tour prose, medicine prose) out of twenty-six ASOP, show a central list of the articles of those items, and discuss their writing stages and traits. Finally, by virtue of the diachronic observation through twenty-six years, I induce the changes of the generations of writers, the variations of gender percentage of writers and the transformations of styles, subject matters, techniques and contents in prose, and then affirm the significance of ASOP in literary history.en_US
DC.subjectmodern proseen_US
DC.subjectChiu Koen_US
DC.subjectthe Annual Selection of Prose (ASOP)en_US
DC.titleA study of the Annual Selection of Prose (ASOP) issued by Chiu Ko Publishing Coen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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