博碩士論文 93135001 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYI-WEN WUen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本文是研究清代皖派學者俞正燮(1775-1840)的婦女思想。明清時期因為受到宋代理學「餓死事小,失節事大」觀念的影響,加上政府對貞節婦女的旌表,使社會上對婦女的貞節推崇備至,士人也紛紛著文歌頌貞女烈婦,使貞節觀到了清代已升騰為「宗教化」。但此時思想界出現一股反對束縛婦女的思想浪潮,因而引起清初的「室女守貞」是否合禮的思想論戰。俞正燮在此論戰中表現突出,他不但反對室女守貞,更進一步提出許多超越時代的貞節觀念。本文即是探討影響其婦女思想的時代背景,及其婦女思想內容與影響。 本文架構可分為三部分:第一部份是探討俞正燮的生平與學術思想:俞正燮是徽州皖派學者,因科舉失利而以傭書為生,動盪的時代與困頓的生活,影響他學術思想的發展。第二部分探討影響俞正燮的婦女思想的因素:因於明清時期的經濟發展,刺激了思想上的變動,致使社會在貞節觀上產生反彈,俞正燮身處變動狂潮中,遂使其有超越時代的婦女思想。第三部分研究其婦女思想的內容:從俞正燮反對室女守貞、主張寡婦再嫁、以及對有才華女子的欣賞與辯護,都挑戰了古代有關婦女的婚姻觀念與制度,也顯示出他特出的婦女思想。 俞正燮因為明清的時代變動,激發了他的不偏於流俗的婦女思想,甚至對民國新文化運動時期的學者都產生影響;然而學界對他的專論不多,也很少人深入討論他的思想。鑒於他的婦女思想有著時代的意義,同時也對後人也有啟示與影響,故本文即針對其婦女思想加以討論,以期補足此方面之缺憾。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe thesis is a study on the women thought of Yu Zhengxie (1775-1840), an Anhui scholar of Qing Dynasty. Because of the influence of Song Neo-Confucianism about chaste women “dying of hunger is trivial compared to losing one’’s chastity” and the eulogy of government to chaste window in Ming and Qing Dynasties, woman’s chastity had been highly praised, even came to a degree of ritualization. However, the opposition to this concept also came to surface at this time and scholars began to argue about this matter. Yu Zhengxie had an outstanding performance in this argument. He not only opposed the idea of virgin widowhood but also raised many new ideas in this aspect. The present thesis is an inquiry into Yu’s concept, including his background and the contents of his thought on woman. This thesis is composed of three parts. The first part discusses Yu Zhengxie’s life, career, and scholarship. Because of his failure in civil service examination, he made living by writing books on other’s behalf. This difficult background made its dent on Yu’s thought. The second analyzes how Yu’s thought on woman was shaped. The contemporary thought on women was influenced by the economic development and people began to review their attitude toward women. The last part explores the Yu’s theory on women chastity which includes opposition to virgin widowhood, defense for women with talents, and advocacy of remarriage of widow. All of them were quite revolutionary and hence made him outstanding in the Qing period. Yu’s thoughts on women were quite unique in his time and also influenced later scholars of the May Fourth period. However, there have been little studies on him and few people have written any thesis on his thoughts. In order to make up this deficiency, the present thesis will give a general review of Yu’s thought on women.en_US
DC.titleA Study of Yu zhengxie's thought on womenen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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