博碩士論文 93135010 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorCheng-Hsiang Changen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究以馮保為主題,探討其生平事蹟及一生之所作所為。從馮保的案例中,還可分析當時宦官與內閣的關係及宦官對穆宗、神宗二朝政治之影響,透過本研究,希望學界能對明代宦官的印象做一深思。 本研究所運用之史料,按其種類可分為官書、野史、地方志、文集、筆記、奏疏等史料,兼運用歸納、比較、分析等歷史研究法,對相關史料做綜合、分析、篩選後,整理出較符合史實的歷史原貌。 馮保為明穆宗及明神宗初年一重要宦官,他曾受過良好的教育,故有很好的文化素養。由於馮保自神宗年幼時,就陪伴在其身旁,再加上他受到神宗生母李太后及閣臣張居正的信任,遂得以掌握司禮監,並控制東廠。馮保掌權後,雖能支持張居正實行新政,造就了萬曆初期強盛的國勢;但他也運用權力,滿足私慾,後人對馮保的評價即透過這兩個方面來進行。 馮保對隆慶、萬曆朝的政治有很大的影響。他為了擴大權力,遂聯合張居正將當時的首輔高拱驅逐,為了消滅高拱,他更發動王大臣案。高拱被逐後,由張居正繼任首輔,並實施新政;馮保在張居正執政期間,採取配合的態度,使得新政施行頗為順利。萬曆十年,馮保的政治生命就此結束,從馮保被謫的案例,可了解明代宦官的權力基礎乃來自於皇權。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractResearch this gentle to as theme , probe into life story and behavior of all one’’s life its with Feng. From Feng Bow’’s case , can also analyse two to Mu Zong , Shenzong relation and eunuch between eunuch and cabinet at that time towards the influence of politics , through this research , hope that can do a deep thinking to the eunuch’’s impression of Ming Dynasty in educational circles. The historical data used in this research, can be divided into historical datas , such as officer’’s book , unofficial history , local chronicle , collected works , note , playing the book ,etc. according to its kind, use history of summing up , comparing , analysing etc. to study the law, after making synthesizing , analysis, screening to the relevant historical data, put the historical original appearance that relatively accords with the historical facts in order out. Feng Bow is one of important eunuch in the early years between Muzong and Shenzongs, he has received too good education, so there is very good artistic appreciation. Because Feng gentle until Shenzong young, accompany by it, in addition, he receive empress dowager Li and minister a positive trust of residence , mother of Shenzong ,, so can grasp Ministry of Internal Affairs , and control the east factory. After Feng Bow wields , although can support Chang Chichen to implement the new policies , go through the prosperous and powerful national power in initial stage of Wangli; But he uses it with all strength, meets the selfish desire, the descendant’’s appraisal to Feng Bow goes on through these two different fields promptly. Feng Bow to celebrating grandly, influencing the politics of Lungching and Wanglis’’ period. For is it with all strength , unite he pieces of Chang’s make at that time prime minister Gow Gon to drive away to expand, in order to eliminate Gowgonf, minister’’s case that launch a king even more. After Gow Gon is driven away, being served as a prime minister by Chang Chichen , and pursue the new policy; Feng Bow takes the attitude of cooperating at time when Chang Chichen is in power , makes the new policy implement smoothly. In the tenth year of perpetual calendar, Feng Bow’’s political life is over at this point, is demoted the officer’’s case from Feng Bow, can understand that the eunuch’’s power foundation was coming from emperor’’s power in the Ming Dynasty.en_US
DC.subjectFeng Bowen_US
DC.titleThe Research of Feng Bow-Eunuch in late period of Ming Dynastyen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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