博碩士論文 93135019 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorHung-ping Chiangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract劉伯承自幼家境貧困,滿清末年加入孫中山的反清革命,1926年加入中國共產黨,開始從事共產革命,及至中共建國後於1955年劉伯承被授以元帥的軍銜,位居第四位。 在十大元帥當中,劉伯承是第一位在蘇聯接受過完整軍事訓練的人,因應中共革命之需要而提前歸國,在黨內展現其軍事方面的長才,不僅從事軍事之謀畫,對於軍事教育也不餘於力,因此贏得黨內孫武的美名。 除此之外,更和鄧小平展開長達13年的合作關係,兩人有著深厚的革命情感。兩人在戰爭中為毛澤東立下不小的汗馬功勞,軍功可謂不少,然而建國後劉伯承卻被毛澤東削去兵權。於是從善如流的他也知所進退,自願去辦軍校,一手創辦南京軍事學院,並因此付出許多辛勞,為中共培育出不少受現代化軍事訓練的人才。 不管是建國前,或是在辦校時期,他在軍中的地位備受推崇,聲譽頗高,然而卻在毛澤東、彭德懷、林彪的聯手對付下,在軍中的反教條主義運動中黯然去職,以求明哲保身,但是仍舊避免不了被批鬥的命運。在十大元帥當中,劉伯承可說是第一位遭批鬥的元帥,也因此而不再居任何要職。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractLiu Bocheng was born in a poor family. He participated in the revolutions led by Dr. Sun Yet Sen at the end of Qing Dynasty. In 1926, he joined the Communist Party of China, and began his revolutions with communists. After the Communist Party of China established the government in Mainland China, Liu Bocheng was awarded as Marshal in 1955. There were ten marshals in the Communist Party of China and Liu was the forth. Among the ten marshals, Liu Bocheng was the first who had attended the complete programs of military training in Soviet Russia. But he went back to China in order to help the Communist Party on revolutions, and had the chance to demonstrate his talent in military. He devoted himself not only to military strategies but also military education. Therefore, he was referred to as the Sun Wu in the Communist Party of China. Besides, he had worked with Deng Xiaoping for 13 years, which led to the deep bond between the two men. Even though both of them had helped Mao Zedong quite a lot during the Civil War and won many victories, Liu Bocheng was technically deprived the power in the army by Mao after the war. Being as compliant as Liu, he knew it was time to resign and volunteered to start military academy. He founded Nan Jing Military College all by himself, and went through much hardship to nurture many talented people with modern military training for the Communist Party of China. Either during the Civil War, or while running the military college, Liu was quite esteemed and well-thought-of in the army. However, Mao Zedong, Peng Dehuai and Lin Biao worked together to take him down during the movement of anti-dogmatism in the army, so he resigned his commission according to his free will in order to protect himself. But he still couldn’t avoid the fate of being criticized and denounced. Liu Bocheng was the first who was under criticizing and denouncing among the ten Marshals, and had never been promoted to any position ever since then.en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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