博碩士論文 93427601 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorMasako Hirohashien_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract綜觀全世界,自從第二次世界大戰,各國女性勞動參與率逐漸在上升。台灣與日本也不例外。但是,對於過去持有較傳統性別分工觀念的亞洲女性而言,遇到婚育與生育時有著不得不考慮的家庭因素選擇離開勞動市場。 隨著時代的改變,教育的普及以及產業結構的變化,女性的就業機會也開始逐漸地上升。同時,台灣與日本政府為了讓女性可以兼顧工作與家庭,提高各國女性勞參率,制訂保障女性與母性的相關勞工法令。雖然如此,台灣與日本女性在婚育期仍然受到家庭的因素選擇離開勞動市場。並且,在本研究中,由2006年台灣與日本的年齡別女性勞參率比較得知,日本婚育期女性離開勞動市場的比率比台灣高。從相關法令的比較得知,兩國的立法背景以及目的大致相等,但是為何台灣與日本的女性在面臨家庭與工作時又有如此明顯的差異存在。 本研究,透過台灣與日本的次級資料,瞭解企業對女性提供的相關法令規定的措施情形,再以深度訪談方式,瞭解實際企業是否受到兩國法令之不同而提供不同的措施。進而瞭解各國企業對女性的僱用態度與措施是否在兩國之間有差異存在,故造成兩國婚育期女性的勞參率的不同。 研究發現,台灣與日本在保障女性的工作權益的法令都非常類似,而兩國企業在僱用女性時並沒有因性別為理由對女性有不平等的態度。主要是在於兩國的育嬰環境的不同,企業所提供的措施也出現不同現象,故而造成兩國女性參與勞動市場以及勞參率型態的差異。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractSince World War II , women labour force participation rate has been continually rising worldwide. There is no exception in Taiwan and Japan. However, to Asian women who are more conservative in gender issues, they tend to leave the labour market when they have to consider family factors such as getting married or having babies. Along with the changing of time, increasing of educational opportunities and the changing of industrial structure, the job opportunities for women are increasing. Meanwhile, in order to enable women to work as well as take care of family, both of Taiwanese government and Japanese government are making labour laws to assure the rights of working women and mothers. Yet, women who are living either in Taiwan or in Japan chose to quit their jobs because of their family affairs. Comparing to the labour participating rates between Taiwan and Japan in 2006, there were more Japanese women quit their jobs when they were getting married or had to raise children. According to related laws made by these two countries, we know that their legislative backgrounds and purposes are almost the same. It makes us wonder why there is such a big difference while Taiwanese women and Japanese women are making their decision. By analyzing data collected in Taiwan and in Japan, this research tries to examine if enterprises provide related laws or regulations to employed women, and how they practice those laws and regulations. Besides, by interviewing people who are in the women labour market, this research tries to examine if companies are applying different measures according to the different laws and regulations of two countries. By analyzing the difference of employing attitude and measures between enterprises in these two countries, this research tries to point out the factors which affect women labour force participating rates in Taiwan and in Japan. The results of this research show that the related laws of Taiwan and Japan are very similar. In addition, there is no any gender inequality involved when enterprises in both countries are recruiting women. This research also finds out the reasons why women labour force participation rates between Taiwan and Japan are different are mainly caused by the child-care environment and measures provided by enterprises in these two countries.en_US
DC.subjectWomen labour force participation rateen_US
DC.titleResearch of comparative pattern of Women labour force participation rate between Taiwan and Japanen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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