博碩士論文 93430027 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorShih-Jen Chuangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract台灣近年來之經濟面臨前所未有的嚴峻挑戰,發展似乎碰到了瓶頸,面對製造成本上漲、產業結構的改變,企業西移出走,所造成的失業率居高不下;尤其面對網路科技的發達,造成市場全球化及全球化的競爭等問題,多年來耕耘所得的「經濟奇蹟」似乎在一夕之間不見了。台灣高科技產業的發展歷程,是從引入國外技術,優勢的製造能力,大量的資金投入,達到量產的經濟規模效益,再經價格競爭,毛利降低的循環模式。台灣高科技產業的規模雖然很大,但創造出來的利潤有限且日益微薄,如何突破這種成長模式的困境,是非常重要且須解決的議題。 台灣的高科技產業若要能走的出去,立足世界舞台,唯有「創新」這一條路,且要持續不斷地創新,才能成長與創造價值。能不斷持續創新的企業,才是卓越的企業,要達到這個目標,需要企業在「創新策略」上,選擇好的策略來執行,透過創新平台,激發新的創意、點子,將創意轉換成有價值的活動,而這活動指的就是新產品開發。透過新產品的開發,企業才能不斷創造價值給顧客,企業是否能永續經營,持續獲利,來自於新產品所創造出來的績效;新產品開發能否成功達到績效,端看專案領導人是否有能力快速動員組織內資源,跨單位整合協調,完成有價值的創新產品開發。 本研究主要是探討台灣高科技產業,其創新策略與專案領導人能力對新產品開發績效之影響,做一整合驗證性的研究,並利用統計之手法來探討三個構面間之關係,所得到結論如下: 1. 台灣高科技產業,其創新策略與專案領導人能力有顯著之正向之關係。 2. 台灣高科技產業,其創新策略與新產品開發績效有顯著之正向關係。 3. 台灣高科技產業,其創新策略與專案領導人能力對新產品開發績效有顯著之正向關係。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractA rigor challenge to Taiwan economy happens recent years. Instable politics, continuously increasing manufacturing cost, changing industrial structure, and prevalent of companies moving-out which induce to high unemployment rate, all of event stagnate the plausible developments of Taiwan. In particular, the prevailing of internet technology has pushed the economic competition to be international, and therefore what we called “the miracle of Taiwan” has already passed. The trace, from introducing foreign technology and superior manufacturing processes, investing a great deal of capital for economies of scale, to the mode of price competition and low gross margin rate, captured the history of Taiwan high technological industry. How to break the ice of “large scale with limited and low margin rate” is the vital issue we now urge to solve. Innovation is the only way for Taiwan high-tech industry to success in world. Companies who continually innovate go through well design on innovation strategy. What could do is to establish an innovation platform to initiate new ideas and transform them into valuable activities-new product development. Only NPD activities can satisfy customers continually so that they are capable of assuring sustainable management/operating. The ability of project managers to texture organizational resources and coordinate cross-functional departments is the vital linchpin to NPD performance. The focal point of this research is to discuss the relationship of innovation strategy and ability of project manager to NPD performance. Conclusions are illustrated as below listed: 1. There exists significant-positive relationship between innovation strategy and project manager. 2. There exists significant positive relationship between innovation strategy and NPD performance. 3. There exists significant positive relationship of innovation strategy and project manager to NPD performance.en_US
DC.subjectProject Leader Capabilityen_US
DC.subjectNew Product Developmenten_US
DC.subjectInnovation strategyen_US
DC.title創新策略與專案領導人能力對新產品開發績效影響之研究: 以台灣高科技產業為例zh_TW
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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