博碩士論文 93431013 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChih-Yuan Wuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究針對台灣TFT-LCD面板產業進行分析,並探討產業內主要廠商的經營策略。在面板產業分析方面,針對其產業環境、發展條件、發展目標以及未來趨勢等,以司徒達賢提出的產業矩陣為方法進行相關分析,並有系統的驗證與描述各階段的產業環境、條件與目標,試圖將產業分析結果與廠商個別經營策略做連結。其次在經營策略分析方面,以個案研究方法探討產業中主要廠商的經營策略。研究各廠商在台灣的產業環境中,如何運用其所擁有的資源,來達到策略目標。並對其策略執行結果進行歸納與分析。經由上述分析研究,目的在於找出產業中能夠成功經營的策略,並期望能提供TFT-LCD面板廠商,在未來制定與執行策略時的參考。 在對產業及個案進行分析後,本研究整理出數個研究發現,可做為面板廠經營策略的方針,包括:1. 成本領導為大尺寸面板產品的關鍵成功因素,差異化為中小尺寸面板產品的關鍵成功因素;2. 相對規模較大的面板廠應以多目標市場為其市場選擇策略,規模較小的面板廠則應專注於利基市場上;3. 面板產業垂直整合程度越高競爭優勢越大;4. 追求規模經濟為面板廠必要的策略;5.台灣面板廠商在中國設廠具有地理上的優勢。 目前已有許多研究探討台灣TFT-LCD面板產業,本研究乃是首次利用策略矩陣的分析方法進行,以對台灣TFT-LCD面板產業作更詳細且完整的描述與探討。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis research carries on analysis to the industry of TFT-LCD panel in Taiwan, and investigates the main manufacturer’’s business strategy of the industry. The primary aim is to analyze the panel industry environment, conditions of development, objectives of development and the future trend of the industry. The related analysis is carried out by the industry matrix method. The systematic identification and the description of the industry environment, conditions and objectives of each stage are presented in the study which tries to link results with manufacturer’’s business strategy. In addition, the study investigates the main manufacturer’’s business strategy in the industry through case study. The ways of making uses of their own resources of each manufacturer to reach strategy objectives are discussed. The study also makes an induction and analysis from the result. The purpose of the study is to find out the strategy which helps to conduct the industry successfully, and provide the suggestions of setting and practicing the strategy for the manufacturer of TFT-LCD panel in the future. Tidy up several research detections after carrying on analysis that can be considered as the policy of the panel factory management strategy. They are: 1. the cost leadership is the key success factor of the large size panel product. Differentiation is the key success factor of the medium and small size panel product; 2. On the one hand, the large panel factory should take multiple target markets as its options, on the other, the smaller panel factory then should focus on niche markets up; 3. The panel industry vertical integration degree the more the higher competitive advantages will have; 4. Pursue scale economic is the necessity for the panel factory of strategy; 5.The Taiwanese panel manufacturer establishing factories in China has geographical superiority. Many researches inquiring into Taiwanese industry of TFT-LCD panel currently can be seen. However, the study is the first to make use of the strategy matrix to carry on, which can provide more detailed and global description and investigation.en_US
DC.subjectBusiness strategyen_US
DC.subjectStrategy matrixen_US
DC.subjectIndustry analysisen_US
DC.titleBusiness Strategy Research of Taiwan's TFT-LCD Industryen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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